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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. for me the trigger pull sucks..they say after about 1000 rds it will get better but ..don't like the feel of it the way it fits my hand
  2. spring field armory GI mil spec http://www.springfield-armory.com/armory.php?version=1 upgrading it now
  3. looks and feel in my hand and you can do all kinds of stuff to them 2 1/2 lb trigger
  4. bought new..its 40cal ..shoots great not even broke in yet only about 250 rds .. not one miss fire or jam ....got a new 1911 for carry and i like the 45 cal better ..so this is up for sale box and all papers and 2 mags ..$200 info here http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=11101&storeId=10001&productId=14819&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=15713&isFirearm=Y http://www.smith-wesson.com/wcsstore/SmWesson/upload/images/firearms/220023_large.jpg
  5. thats the day the old c4 locked up ...it nosed overbefore the 1/8th mile:(
  6. the cd tray it broken and i tossed in in the trash ...or i would glue it to the front and send it that way
  7. if it died from the 3 red rings of deth its covers for 3 years ......the serial #. was not loged when i got it ..could just swap the shell if need be
  8. a bricked DVD drive would be fine or one that has been banned.....just need a cheap one
  9. got one back it jan of 06 with a 2 year warranty.......the cd drive took a dump and i removed my game from it the only way i could now the cd tray don't look the same ...they will prob not warranty it .so dont care about the inside as long as it looks ok on the outside..if need be can swap the outter shell
  10. need cheap junk not working what ever need a core 360 that has not been taken apart or at least looks like it has not been .....don't need the Wires or Controller just the core 360...need before feb 1st thanks
  11. bump nice PC.............would like to add that if you build or use the microsoft keys on a new computer ....it will force the old computer the Xp is running on to download windows Validation crap and will kill all updates and make you buy the softwear if not it locks you out wear all you can do is buy it.......service pack 3 will be out for Xp soon ..only way to keep using the softwear is to turn autoupdates off and never update it ....but it will update untill the keys are used on another pc.....even at that this pc is worh the 350 still could not build a bretter pc for that...and you can get a Oem of xp pro for 59 bucks
  12. not at this time...been going back and forth about selling I want to then I don’t want to ..just see what happens testing the waters
  13. can't do it sorry for the wasted post................. ...just can't bring myself to part with it
  14. going to try and go ...last fun in the mav for the year
  15. his name is maverick not kujo:p:P http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t75/MaverickGrabber1972/sarahmav041.jpg?t=1195181147
  16. good with kids cats other dogs and Animals ....would make good rabbit dogs ..could meet for pick up both or just one ... http://images.craigslist.org/01150501040901030620071110eaf76f7e4800d265aa007a0d.jpg http://columbus.craigslist.org/pet/474565575.html
  17. a lady down the road from me breeds Jack Russells can get you her info if you want i'm about 45 north
  18. from july drag day http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-181283204278764264
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