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Dr. Apex

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Everything posted by Dr. Apex

  1. I've been pulled over multiple times for no front plate as I never have one. I usually play dumb and just get a warning.
  2. Fuck California! Although the rules here aren't much different just not really enforced.
  3. I still need to see the first one and Best Buy's selection of video's in this genre is almost non-existent now.
  4. I've always been for the 4G63 swaps into those cars, but with that motor in there that thing has to be insanely fast(or not because it prolly has no traction).
  5. You might want to switch back to right handed because YOU SUCK!! :finger:
  6. Even with all that lag he'll catch about anything in no time, and it's no different that any other car with a like turbo.
  7. I have a sub-frame connector bolt that's broken off, I need to have it drilled out. Anyone can help or know of someone on here that has a shop that can do it? Need asap! Thanx, Ben
  8. Don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but man I love diesel!! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/446CB177-29DE-4B5A-97DD-CD20F3C8564D.htm
  9. I'll be there, seat will be here in 2 weeks(just in time)!
  10. Bah, it's gotten old already! Besides, on stock suspension my tires were rubbing into my fender wells, that could only end in disaster! Let's see you compete in SM with stock suspension and street tires, you'll be where I was....at the bottom!
  11. I was waiting on you Mark! Actually the point about the flip-up light cars would be more appropriate, the first couple years for dsm's were almost as bad as 80's - early 90's Toyota's.
  12. Fanfuckintastic! About time we get a warm weekend!
  13. Welcome. Don't see many B17 cars any more, I used to know a guy with one, hard to find parts for it seemed to me.
  14. I figured it had been around, just ran across it on streetfire is all.
  15. I doubt they ever found the intake, parts prolly flew off into the grandstands. I hope the car was salvageable, but I wouldn't have my hopes up.
  16. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/814FB22F-D52F-4DDD-8A63-88C253859960.htm What a shame...
  17. The only 1G DSM in town with its original paint job that doesnt look like ass.
  18. thats an understatement
  19. If you want a good ball you need to learn to bowl first!!
  20. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a20/ZeroBar78/V710.jpg I can't wait to try these out! Steelies are back on for street duty.
  21. I believe his last name is Robertson. I know he mentioned something about the motor, but I know for sure he said he was going to put in all Lexan windows this year which should make that light ass car about 100lbs lighter. It has a seat, shifter, tach, and thats about it in the interior, I can't imagine that car weighing more than 1400-1500lbs.
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