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Posts posted by WWD JUNK

  1. A pull? I hope he shut down after you put 2 buslengths on him in 3 seconds. Those are slow pigs. Mine couldn't get out of his own way. But if you are looking for a fun cruiser that's not a girly miata, ya can't beat a rotary vert.



    I can vouch for the slowness of this car. Looks very good rolling down the road though.

  2. If you have a bike-and you


    1) Rev the piss out of it as SOON as you fire up the bike

    2) Puts through turns @ the slowest speed possible

    3) Have Neons all over your place

    4) And best of all, think you’re a fucking Star Boy just because you have - crotch rocket-



    You’re a bike ricer. Your not cool. Go kill yourself.



    5) Ride a Harley

  3. not sure at how much of it is true, but i heard through a friedn that linn's parents took his car and his sister is driving it b/c he bought a clutch on his parents credit card and they might give it back after he graduates. any of this tru???



    ROFLMAO if that is true.

  4. I'd like to see if the "leaders of the black community" now take immediate action against the rappers and so called "artists" that pump out the crappy music they do.


    I'm sorry but half the music industry rappers, etc., fit the quote that Imus said and if anything good comes from his downfall it's likely that now we can go after the music industry and not be blamed for a double standard.


    I would hope at some point BET and Afrocentric Schools change their names/focus as well. I mean, what are the chances we will see a Caucasian Entertainment Television or White-centric Schools? What gives the black community the reverse racism rights like that? BS if you ask me.


    If they want to clean up the racism in this country, they too have to stop and clean up their act. Hip-Hop, rap, etc....brings to life many of the stereotypes that they claim are racists and they are the ones promoting it. Look at any MTV video and you'll see it.....the very things they are claiming is wrong for everyone to stereotype them as...and they aspire to be that. Crazy dumb....Ignorant is the better word. Worthless punks with money is all many of them are.


    Sports players are no better. 99.9% of them haven't "earned" anything they have IMO. Joe Public and the advertising and business community are using these "Icons" (loosely used) as means to promote their products, but they have no real credibility other than a handful being very good athletes. Most are just average to good making way more than they should.


    It's time to make all folks accountable and man-up to playing on the same ethical playing field. They are poisoning the kids of today to continue the crap that's going on.



    This article in response to the Imus/Sharpton/Jackson antics, written by a Black man nonetheless hits on much of what you just said.



  5. Does anyone remember some years ago when Al Sharpton rose to prominence? A young black girl, I believe in New York, went missing for 4 days and turned up with tattered clothes claiming that she was assaulted. She requested a black officer to speak with......then the inevitable.... she accuses white men of accosting her. Sharpton catches wind of this and decides it's his place to go on a witch hunt. He gets the idea that it must be white police officers, or some public figure who was apart of this tragedy. Long story short the Great Reverend and his crusade wound up costing an innocent DA his job because Sharpton ran rampant through the press with his accusations of involvement in the assault. In the end it turned out the poor troubled black whore had made the whole story up because she was away from home partying for days and didn't want to get in trouble. Sharpton has, to this day, refused to appologize for going on a no-holds barred witch hunt and costing this poor man his job. Luckily the man took the issue to court and came out with a vindicating, but meager $300,000 settlement that Sharpton was able to pay via donations from some of his fellow racist contributors. If there's anyone who should be burned for their actions, it's the good Reverend.



    Here's the background of the case, probably more accurate than my recollection.


  6. Back in highschool I had a Trans Am with a toggle switch in the cab to activate the alarm while driving. Couple that siren with the sweet car show strobe lights that I thought were sweet back in the day, and traffic was never a problem.
  7. I haven't maxed out on any one lift since, I suppose, my freshman year of college. A multitude of different injuries to my back, neck, wrist and shoulder would probably preclude me from doing so. I spend about 2hrs a day at the gym, focusing mainly on building mass, but staying away from any weight that will put me back in the doctors office. I could probably get amped up to give my bench and squat another run for glory, but not using some bionic shirts, and or sacrificing a full range of motion. I've always viewed that as cheating yourself.
  8. columbus will never have e-checks...So many POS cars would be off the road, and some people would not even be driving.



    am i the only one that votes for them?



    There are plenty of ways to get around E-check so that most of the heaps down there would probably still remain on the roads. Safety inspections would be a nice addition though.

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