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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. I ment his right arm, the ones you can see in the pic thats like a complete sleeve or close to it. Either way hes playing a cancer patient back in time , in Africa before they had states, they had "southside" tatts back then lol. He prolly never takes his shirt off or something.
  2. Yeah I dunno, it just showed his right arm in the pic. No idea what he did with the MOB and 50 cent and all that crap on his back.
  3. Welcome to CR man, I am too in the market for an evo have been for the past 14 months, everytime the right car comes up its gone as I call. Im just really anal about what I buy and what has been done to the cars. Good luck finding what you want, I hope my journey ends for mine soon. I test drove prolly the same cars you have, wrx, sti, evo8, evo9, Subaru just does not feel anything like an evo, If I was buying it for different reasons like a daily I might think into the subis more, it just does not have that hardcore feeling the stock evo has.
  4. What I want to know is in the article, you can obvious see that he has no tattoo's on his right arm. He stated that he would have to come in 4-5 hours early to make up just to hide them, so he just had them removed? Everytime ive seen someone get them removed it kinda looks like a burned part or scar , how the hell does it look that perfect?
  5. I really hope this douche goes to prison for a bit, Id feel some what better about the whole thing, the first thing I thought about this morning was poor baby cow being stomped and punched. No matter what this fag does to get locked up he will have a hard time. Hes the type that thinks hes going to be the tuffest in prison. Ive yet to see this guy really give much respect the 12 years ive known them. Even after my buddy knocked him out, he claimed that is was not fair and blah blah blah, the whole time this fucker would not drop it and then finally spit in my friends face, im who the fuck is not going to hit you after you spit in there face?
  6. I think it looks good man! Keep it up post pics after you lower it!
  7. I can arrange something, if im allowed to film it.
  8. If this douche bag comes to were I work, he will be eaten alive.
  9. Yeah I agree but he was joining in on the fun too.
  10. Your right on that, I wonder if things are going to get crazy. Then they realize they have to do something with him.
  11. There is no way he is going to get a max for first time being introuble, He will get probation, 90 days over his head and the max for 1 count with all charges ran cuncurent. Hes already out of jail he did not even step in, not hard to post 10% on a M2 crime. Hes not going to prison for this thats for sure.
  12. Yup up to 90 days in jail and a 750$ fine , which is complete bullshit. The Conklin boys are fucking lame lame fuckers. My buddy luke broke that bitches jaw last year for running his mouth off at a bar, hes pussy ass was curled up like a fried shrimp and got pissed on. ( he was picking on a local handi cap kid) He does the same shit to people, he likes to try and find "weak" people and do the same shit. I understand you have to force an aminal sometime, but what is with the footstomping, punching, poking, breaking the tails. God no wonder why it was so hard for this lame fuck to even make it out of highschool. we need farmers but not these farmers.
  13. The evo with turbo, stock manifold and what looks like the stock fmic did better then I thought.
  14. I hope to god not, this truck he has is really top notch work, I can see it going down hill tho. He never takes care of anything he owns. He couldnt afford to keep payments up on his cummins, so he got the duramax, now his parents help him buy a 28k truck? I dont get it, the fucker still owes me money, everyone else sees him but me, he avoids people like that .
  15. Yeah his duramax is stock or close to it, just like his cummins was and he insisted to tell everyone is was faster then it really was. He bought chads old truck from what people tell me. It was a turn key truck that chad built from the ground up, seems to like telling everyone he did everything.
  16. Wow that is really off, my thought would be the ford dealer. Or just go back and try to eye match it best as possible with the color.
  17. Wow the one in the blue holds her age well, good lookng woman.
  18. Also maybe setting up more fund raisers, for childrens hospital, sending things over to iraq for troops, breast cancer/ cancer , id be more willing to help out something like that as much as possible.
  19. Maybe a family account type thing, every so often you donate 5 bucks or 20 bucks. Then as a group we decide group gatherings, BBQ's, cedar point, Tail of the dragon trips, I dunno just an idea. It works really well on the nissan site im on. Maybe setting up city vs city racing at tracks, home and away?
  20. Nope decided im not going again, I ended up selling my tickets few nights ago at work.
  21. Weclome to the site, the cobalt is def not my thing but you have a well put together clean car. Welcome to the site
  22. Grippo's BBQ or the hot and spicy are great! I guess you can buy the seasoning online too. Great chips.
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