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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. I guess how far you want to take it? but buying nice rods and pistons will eat that buget up. Just like he said you will have some change over for little parts. Since the engine is being built for boost the block and head have to be true. Then small things like hone the block, hot tanked, ect. then while you have it apart that high ass mile motor should get the head refreshed.
  2. Good luck trying to buy good parts and machine shop under that budget. Engine builds nickle and dime you to death. M&M machine in delaware is a great place to rebuild, like ive said before mike rush and his little team know their shit.
  3. I know its internally gated, but it still needs a pressure sorce like to the hotpipe? Depending on how you have it set up or if you have a boost controler. I have seen these hooked up backwards before.
  4. When I always did turbo installs or changing out things, I always change out all the lines and clamps. they are so damn cheap. there should be no reason why old broken or brittle lines should stay on. Also did you make sure all your pressure sorces are correct, wastegate ect?
  5. Either way thanks for everyones advice and input on here, Someone at work today gave me a good idea about what I should do. I think im going to try that.
  6. I really would, but after calling laywers the cost seems to be really high for me right now, Plus its not 100%. If it was just several thousand I would take a gamble, most of the laywers want around X,XXX bucks from start to finish.
  7. I know his was a 57 trim non BB, on the k03's does it only have an oil feed and drain? or coolent lines also?
  8. Expungement requires drafting and filing of a motion (a formal legal document asking the court to take a particular action). The expungement motion will be filed with the court that sentenced you, and it will also have to be served on the prosecutor in some cases, and the probation department. At the expungement hearing, oral or non-oral, the court must be convinced through persuasion and demonstration that your rehabilitation has been obtained and that you are deserving of an expungement. An expungement is a privilege and not a right. The court may deny your expungement if they question that you have met all the qualifications under the Ohio Revised Code, or the court is not satisfied that you have been rehabilitated. 3 years for a felony 1 year for M1-M5's , you also can not have any type of violent crimes (against spouce or kids or anyone else) you can not have a DUI or and type of moving violatoin (becides speeding and minor traffic) If you have a DUI or street racing ect you can never have it taken off.
  9. I have an honorable discharge, and I started off as a corrections officer, then went to become a Counselor, now I am lead counselor. I work with all the probation officers and judges in 8 countys , also with all the men.
  10. Thats how my buddy fucked up his brand new turbo, all he did was start the car idle it and drive it. The way most BB turbos are is your prime the turbo with oil, depending how long the thing has been sitting, put oil feed back on. Unplug the fuel pump then crank until pressure. some dsm guys do the whole spin the whole oil pump deal with a air tool also.
  11. Who gives a flying fuck ? So what you can make gay post on CR about what car your going to buy in 4 years? Im not going to say names because, people on here know the person, but I know someone who always talked like this, about how great they did in college, bragged about making 6 figures , all he talked about was GPA and what hes going to do. No matter what this guy did it was always how how much better he was then someone else he went to highschool with. Everyone hated him but he always seemed to come around to try to make his fucking head bigger, then one time at this party everyone was having a good time, he told this marine vet that if he would of joined he would of been an officer, and this and that. Either way he learned his lesson he ended up in the hospital with 43 staples in his head and bolts in his cheek bones. Now hes not that bad of a guy to be around, he is some what humble even tho we do know he has a great education and job, he now doesnt have to brag. Either way just because you knew some of " those loser" kids in highschool the military changes them 180. You have no fucking idea what its like to be willing to die for someone. I have no problem with you or what you do with your life, but I always will have more respect for the guys that put everything on the line. Not everyone has a fucking silver spoon and people have to do whats best for them. The guys at the prison I work at would love a kid like you.
  12. How did you go about priming the new turbo and engine?
  13. See thats not true, because I know police officers that have had felonys. There is a process and a way, I just need to find the right person or whatever.
  14. I have to work in hand with the union county judge, I just have no idea how to bring it up. You really dont know how embarassing it is for me to even bring it up to someone.
  15. There is a fine line also with the expungement trust if it was that cheap and easy it would of been off my record years ago. I have a felony on my record for something I did as a joke in highschool ( Stealing golf clubs out of a teachers garage, and yes I did throw them back in his yard the next night) . I handled all kinds of stuff in the marines as a grunt and was never told no because of the felony, and I work for the state of ohio in the prison systems now. The police at my work told me that im allowed to own/buy rifles just not handgun's after 7 years. I own rifles and pistols now they never took them away from me after I commited the crime, only thing I had to do when I was on probation was keep the firearms at my grandma's. I called both the police state and sheiff station and they dont me they had no idea, and to call the other one.
  16. Can someone with a felony buy a rifle or pistol after so much time? Ive herd so many different answers.
  17. Tell me about it, my work swears up and down by blackberry phones, I think there contract is almost up and they are gonig to be going to verizon , herd down the rumor mill all business phones are going to be droids too. Not sure how true that is tho, prolly just shitty bullshit work lies.
  18. That last picture looks really cool, when I looked at it reminded me of a big fish trying to eat the little fish .
  19. People seriously care about this stuff that much?
  20. and yes I was joking about the samauri lol someone pm'ed me about it, yes they do have the papers that go back that long, I think most of my family were farmers lol I was trying to sound like a sweet ninja but someone took me serious, either way do any of you guys have any sweet old old pictures of family ect? If so id like to see them.
  21. No shit my girlfriend took that YAZ , after the doctor told her they needed to switch for cramps and something else. Either way that shit made her fucking nuts. I still remember some of the fucking talks when she came home from work, bitching about other co workers, bitching about patients, bitching bitching bitching, never greatfull for shit. Half the time I would be bashing a corndog watching Tv, she would say your not even listening to me then start crying in like WTF did I do im eating a corndog watching tv. Then I was playing with the cat one day and she was eating dinner and she started crying because she said I loved the cat more then her LOL man fuck that stuff most the time she was a laid back calm person.
  22. On my dads side, we found info on what dates the "smiths" settled into this area, which was early 1900's from there, we found out they migrated from indiana, after we found the town we did some more searcing and found out my dads side of the family came over during the potato famish in ireland but also was mixed with scotish. At this time my greatgrandma ( god bless her) was still alive and we ended up finding realitives still living in ireland. In 2004 our family took a vacation to ireland and went to the old smith homestead which is only a rubble foundation which dated back to late 1500's In japan for my mother's side everything is documented in handwritten documentation going back on our family for 800-50 years, They look like fucking ninja scrolls weapped up in ricepaper. Usually the older ones have been copyed or treated by the family to keep them from rotting away. My family was well known samauri family that fought off mainland japan from invasion. Until up early 1900's when western culture influenced japan, then in 1942 they decided swords are no more and started flying airplanes into ships. I have 3 samarui swords that have been in the family for 600+ years, the story goes the one sword has killed over 400 men , and has shed my own familys blood. Either way my uncles pass down a lot of knowledge.
  23. HAHAHA I had to read it again after I seen that. Its like everytime you come back, you find something else even more funny!
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