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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Most guys that go past 1000cc go to a dual fuel injector set up, you never see anyone using singe big injectors anymore for daily type cars.
  2. I love the history of WW2, I use to love watching "pacific in color" great stuff. A lot of amazing people fought for this country, war is war. when I use to live in japan, my dad found old japanese gas mask in old caves on okinawa. When I go to the beach you can still see the landing area's were marines landed ashore okinawa, the bullets are still smashed all over the coral wall, I think we still have some around here. In some areas you can still smell diesel fuel from the flame throwers that burned pill boxes and soaked into the ground. Either way im in the middle My dad was a us marine for 23 years, but I was born in japan , my grandma who just passed away had to hide in caves from the US bombing raids in okinawa. So crazy how history works.
  3. Thats a little over kill on the pumps and injector dont ya think?
  4. I am def coming, so is shawn on here with his notch. Should be a fun time see you guys there.
  5. haha he sounds like a winner.
  6. Thats what im saying, fuck what everyone else thinks, wrong or right you're going to do what you want.
  7. Its not always that easy, yeah 6k looks good on paper to go XXX amount of fast, but just the prices in driveline will be around what you want to spend to go 10's, try aleast doubling that number. What about the labor you do 100% of the work yourself? start adding that on. Im sure you can run 10's for 6k , if its so easy and cheap how come out of all the lsx straightline cars only so many runs 10's? because its not as easy as you think.
  8. Its called having pride in your work, which 95% of the dsm community lack.
  9. Just think when the next person buys the car, how much highschool ass you waxed in that one rusty car!!
  10. boosted98gst

    vote here for

    I dont know either of you, but just reading all his stuff on cdsm and here hurts my head, even the stuff said was not toward me it was just that fucking annoying. Please let me know what business it is that way I can tell all my friends on here and cdsm to stay away from it.
  11. Welcome, not everyone can be a spoiled kid with daddys money, make with what you got, aleast you got wheels right? either way enjoy the site.
  12. Another thing that always helped me out staying organized pullinh motors ect was zip lock bags sharpie markers, always makes for a much easy job.
  13. Its pretty straight forward, if you need help buy a chilton or some type of manual. Its step by step, then same thing backwards. Just jump in, never going to learn if you don't try, I'm sure people on here can help you out.
  14. If your mind is already made up with buying a turbo honda, your best bet would be to maybe find one that's already modded and wheel and deal. Cash talks.
  15. I did not mean anything by saving money, he just acts like you can't make a honda fast because thhats far from the truth. If your trying to save money , would I recommend it? No. Even having a good job, with everyday life modding a car is not easy on the pocket book.
  16. Alright you guys are making me want to go, I'm not racing but I will see you guys there.
  17. Tell that to the number of guys on here with 500whp+ hondas
  18. Hahaha you have a lot to learn but depending on the year every car you listed is far from cheap or cheap to mod, for the person who can't do there own maint it will cost them an arm and leg. Some of the average cars you listed foor nice ones are 15k. Why did you want a v6 mustang? Some people build/buy/drive what they want not what others tell them. If I would of listened to every jackass who told me not to buy a dsm 10 years ago, id never learned as much as I have about cars.
  19. They fixed the bumps, I rode down the track with shawn last year and it was amazing the track did not bounce like before. I also herd they were supposed to re do the whole track.
  20. Not true hybrid dynamics almost made 700whp on a stock block sr20 car made multiple dyno passes abover 650 rwhp. This was also over 4 years ago and the record in the states, the aussies and japanese have passed the 700whp mark almost 15 years ago on stock untouched bottom end sr's. Ka's can be done right when you put enough money into them, most of the cars are hacked junkers. I have had ever forced fed nissan motor in my 240 if you want to keep it nissan and do it right the first time go rb
  21. Geeeeez so many people worried about how this is not a "gift" fucking haters lol either way man enjoy the new car, look like you owe her a nice dinner (make sure you take it out of your account , that way she knows its a gift from you), and test drive. Must be nice to just "scrape" off 70k lol J/k im sure all the hard work in school and student loans are well worth it. Congrats man
  22. I am not sure when you raced there last but they did fix the track before last season, the 2 turbo vettes from here seemed to do alright. At any given test and tune they have cars range from 8-20 second. Its just a place to go have fun and not take serious
  23. It use to be bumpy at the end but they fixed the bigger area's.. track prep? They do not prep the track. For test and tune. You should be fine the tra good enough for fast turbo cars.
  24. One of the son's is locked up at the prison I work at. I know for a fact there still is no tech for cars. But if I end up see'ing him tomorrow I will ask about the bike rules.
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