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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. LOL would be sweet if they could really do that in real life!
  2. Why did you not call the police in the first place? you realize if they have suspesion, they can prove something like this by having the paint off her car and their car matched .. If the damage on the car looks to be days old with fresh metal showing ect, prolly was them that hit the car drunk or something. Hopfully she has full coverage that way she can get a rental and the car fixed. You're asking for advice, the first thing/mistake you should done is have a police report written. There is no proof that her was even hit there now. For all they know you could of wrecked it drunk nights ago and trying to blame it on someone else. Now all you have is your word vs there which will never hold up for shit. More then likey you're shit out of luck. Depending on insurance companys some have 24/48 police report and claims. First thing the police are going to wonder is why did you not call when you found out, they are going to think you are/is trying to hide something.
  3. I figured I would try here before buying a new one. They are not that much either way, looking for something big enough to maybe put a rim in and has a vac,gun,gloves,lines ect. I figured it would be nice to have in the gargae since I use it often.
  4. I guess you dont want to sell it? I have the money text me
  5. Thorne from all the post I think you're use to trying to squeeze every lost drop out of the stock turbo's, obvious this is not what hes trying to do.
  6.   Geeez give the guy a break, Most people learn from trail and error. I mean just because 9t1gvr4 your car has done so much, I mean that thing is always running and is proven it self over and over , nobody has room to talk right! either way new guy welcome to the board, hopfully everything works out for you.
  7. I am not too big on the greddy pump's I have a tomei pump and eric crank collar that I need put on the crank then micropolished then balanced.
  8. I am going to need my crankcollar fixed on my rb also soon. You guys have done these many of times?
  9. Call me I have someone that will buy it 937 243 5974.. edit just text me since I will be at work.
  10. Just buy Por15 and stop being a cheap ass its cheap and will fix the issue or slow it down a lot , and cost much less then replacing the pannels.
  11. Bastard will die in 2 minutes!
  12. Get some electric fan's to clean it up a bit, that damn shroud looks horrible. That pannel looks like its been fixed before. Looks like someone fixed the pannel and then rust issues started to happen. How does the underside look? That interior looks like it could use a cleaning, good time to wash everything and make sure no major rust holes lives inside the car too. Make sure to start growing a mullet and mustang man ego lol
  13. Its been a while since I sold a car on autotrader, but if its the same, make sure you spend the extra money to put extra shots of the car (outside/interior) and if you can afford it, a color photo in the ad.
  14. I agree no offense to anyone thats just what I believe. Either way Jason, I know you personally and voted for you. Good luck with everything better catch up !some couples are in the 400 votes.
  15. Wow thats a nice collection you have! If you ever want to get rid of the colt ww2 commerative let me know! lol
  16. Looks great shawn, save up some money and get the stuff needed and I will fix the rust issues and paint the car. Soon as it warms up we can put all the pannels off , double check everything, media blast the fender wheels por15 everything. The rip into all the suspension stuff you wanted and powder coat all the old oem peices to clean up. To be honest just clean up the motor do not mod it, do all the basic maint stuff, get the power steering crap and just clean it. Wait till you get a job and another daily before you start modding your only car.
  17. Has anyone on here ever jumped off anything that required a shoot?
  18. Very sexy! I am a big fan of the R32, my cousin in japan has been working on one for the past 8 years, the cars can be so damn nasty for cheap. Its like the japan LSX With the tomei type b is it the poncam or procam? He also using the B dual valve springs or just running stockers? I know the stock springs even in the 25 are good for 550whp as longas you do not spin the motor over 8000 rpm.
  19. You're one crazy Sob did you kill him? This guy died 2 hour later.
  20. Same here my damn work has a fight every other day, I always see people getting fucked up lol. Ever see someone get shanked 20 times with parts of there guts popping out there stomatch lol Crazy bastards.
  21. That got boring quick, Took 30 seconds.
  22. that is amazing, I seen this either on the history or discovery channel a while back. I would what it feels like to free fall ? I am so scared of heights so it would never happen. But geeeez this guy has balls.
  23. What are the spec's on the wheels? interested in selling them outright ? I am still looking for an evo so these would be a great wheel for me to add:)
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