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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. "List your debts, excluding the house, in order. The smallest balance should be your number one priority. Don’t worry about interest rates unless two debts have similar payoffs. If that’s the case, then list the higher interest rate debt first." Thats coming from a dave ramsey site, I think he knows what hes talking about. Hes states that 80% of all debt is behavior , motivation is the key to getting out of debt from what ive been reading.
  2. All the things ive been reading , say to start with the smallest debt first , then work your way up. Everyone is going to have their options but im just going by what I read.
  3. Ive junked a bunch of cars in the past that I could not sell both running and not , they do not give a fuck if it runs or not, Depending on where you go they charge you for fluid clean up if the car/truck is still filled . all you do is sign the title over, they weight and pay you. For the price of scrap per ton you should take the 300 and run and care less what they do to the truck. Another option is selling the truck to a junkyard, kirbys in richwood still buy junker and clunkers.
  4. not sure how much your looking to spend but this guys brother passed away it says, ended up with his 46k 93 hatch for 4500, he said hes willing to bargin. http://nashville.craigslist.org/cto/1636188972.html
  5. Your best bet is go down south and find a car, they are cheaper and rust free. its worth your time trust me. For the price of cars up here you can find a mint running car in the TN/ NC area easy. Me and shawn have run south to TN 2 times in the past year to pick up cars, such an easy drive.
  6. That thing is going to be fucking nice after it gets some stance! keep up the good work and good luck with it!
  7. We are def going to be talking with your wife, its going to be maybe next week before he can call due to being out of state for business. Thank you for the help, if anyone has been in this position before knows how much stress this can bring. Not only for him but our family , he is now on blood pressure meds prolly due from the stress, either way thanks again for your guys help!
  8. It depends on how the car is set up, alot of places sell the biofuel pre mixed which people use in flex fuel cars. ( big in brazil) E85 is an alternative fuel blend made up of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, hence the name “E85” in the united states most the flexfuel cars or mix are only 10% ethanol which everyone calls "gasohol". but yes you can set the car up similar to a flexfuel car and run gas and e85, I personally know several guys on here that run aem ems in their evo with a e85 and gas tune , and have a toggle switch for on the fly map changes if they can not get to a e85 fueling station. Anything thing that I mod anymore will be e85 and gasoline. Good luck on your search and fuel build, personally ive seen alot of the big turbo inline 6 cars make crazy numbers on e85 compared to pump gas , its a win win type thing.
  9.  My vote is for old jonny sheperd いfへ弟子でsとらせ。 4 cly street car trapping 191 mph
  10. They would never let him file backrup, he is full retired from the military(recieves a monthy pention ) and makes too much money a year. We just need good advice on how to take on the debt.
  11. Thanks we will be getting in touch soon.
  12. If you have the money buy a clutch you will never have to mess with again, buy a twin disk. The pedal feel is almost oem and can handle whatever power you make. you will be looking at 1800-3000 for a nice one.
  13. You have any tips since you just did this other then "focus"? did you some how deal with the creditors? Did you contact help? Or did you just plan yourself?
  14. I always hear stuff on the radio and tv about combine all of the money into one payment and rate? Is this true or a scam? Is is possible to round up all the debt in one payment?
  15. No he is a home owner, the debt im talking about is more along the lines of credit cards and loans from credit unions.
  16. This is for people that really know what they are talking about or have gone through it. Someone in my family is in debt bad, much worse then we thought at first. First we thought it was around 30k but we found out its closer to 60k, He has never been late on any payments but its getting to the point where he is barley getting by to pay the bills. I just dont know where to start or who to call for help? Is there places for finanical advice on what to do? I did not want to post this type of stuff here but I really do not know what to do, his actions are now effecting my life too.
  17. Better buy something better then that tiny 20g, then come back.
  18. Run the switch on the fly maps, run a e85 tune and a 93 gas tune. A lot of rb guys are using e85 for track type stuff then daily they use gas.
  19. Seem like you got it figured out. And badazgsx you have the baddest gsx in columbus huh? lol
  20. AWSOME! the car should be so much fun!
  21. You want me to come look at it on my day off? This shit is typical dsm crap. I will figure it out, if its something we can fix with a trip to autozone, if the issue takes dropping the tranny ect , then just take it to rob. Your not even modded yet wait till you start having more in your tranny and clutch then your car is worth.
  22. Just to ask a question why the head work when the car is on stock turbos? Wouldnt a turbo upgrade net much more power then head work? Or I could be wrong and the turbo is already done? usually 2.5 liter inline 6 engines/ with stock valve train and stock cams are good for over 500whp easy all day long.
  23. Maybe you should plan, the naked trip to europe for 2011? Either way I like the cars! good luck you should fit in well here.
  24. Yeah so his daily can sound like shit, running dump pipe I thought was only for ricer ass, poor dsm kids. Running a dump pipe on a internal wasgated turbo is about as ricer as it gets. Either way car looks great, not my taste in wheels but thats why its "your"car goodluck with the dyno!
  25. A few years back I drank a bottle of hennessy , I ended up being a asshole and wanting to hurt people. I ended up puking all over my friends room and did not even know it till the next day, people said I took my shirt off and layed it over the puke. Still to this day I do not remember shit . Now I just stay away from any burbon and wiskey.
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