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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Wow very impressive. too much for me tho.
  2. I just figured you guys had to see this douche bag, I really hope this is a joke with his fanny pack and hardcore gangsta act. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzO9THqPltg
  3. A crazy story happened to me a few years ago Tyler from Columbus dsm, we use to work on cars alot at his dads house. His mom use to be a pill head, and love downers. One night she came in what I thought to be drunk because she was staggering around. Come to find out she was eating morphine patches taking the gel out. I Went in the bathroom around 2am to clean up because I was about to leave and I found her dead in the bathroom. I called the police and picked her up and put her on the couch, she was already stiff and I noticed she had 3-4 patches around her neck and chest area. Was so crazy drugs really can fuck up family's . Either way on to a positive note yesterday guys from the correctional facility I work at did a play at marysville High school they did a real good job and there is a article in the Columbus dispatch today, check it out of it you guys have time.
  4. I meant hardcorels1 I seen him.
  5. You are correct the old school ones were made in Gushikawa japan now there newer coilovers are the renamed stuff. Just like any type of stuff around there pistons come from one of the "big" factorys that sub out there name and work.
  6. Its so crazy how addicting any type of opiate can be, usually after a few weeks the mind and body become physically addicted. The user always needs more to get the "high" and then after it becomes bad they need to just to do normal things. Usually opiate use go hand in hand with stealing or always trying to sell stuff. Most the time it gets so bad they do not have time for work or play they are just always trying to get high, they end up unemployed and stealing or robbing to get there fix. The average ohio opiate user uses 300$ a day, if they do not they start to withdraw around 5-8 hours of last use. First nose and eye's start to water up and run, they become assholes, there body becomes stiff and very painful, joints hurt real bad, throwing up, shitting there pants, no motivation, all types of shit. If they try to kick the habit it can go on for weeks. Any person that has a drug addiction knows they will never be over it, they live by day to day staying sober, he is an addict for life there is no doubt or other way around that. out of the 1200 people we have our population is 90% opiate abusers now.
  7. This is the way ive done it I use reg non syn cheap oil.
  8. Soboxone is much better then methadone , but it can become habit forming over time. Any person that abuses anything from heroin to food has a disorder so its much easy for them to become addicted to something. The best bet is to use the soboxone to get over the withdraw symptoms (2-3 weeks) after that ween off the meds then start a 12 step or some other form of treatment. The best thing is a good support from family, and wanting to quit for himself.
  9. They also came in bluebird FWD cars .
  10. Yeah they are re- badged just like my old "nismo" coilovers rebadged.
  11. Just seen you the other day turning on cherry st. by UDF car looks good.
  12. Funny thing is nismo does not even make pistons.
  13. Its very common for opiate use to start with pills. Herion is fucking hard drug to kick even for people that want to quit. Is he on any med's with treatment like soboxone? Either way good luck
  14. I am def not a pro engine builder or any of that. I just have built many motors and I just do what ive been helped with. There are many ways to do it and many options in oil. There are only a handful of oil that is really above the comp. Just like anyone else the best bet is read up on info and listen to what guys who build specific engines say to do.
  15. Here is some things of a few oil sites that advertise what they claim to do. “You can put zinc in the oil but it won’t act as an anti-wear agent until you add the phosphorous,” Any oil that you get that says API or ILSAC GF-4 contains a limited amount of zinc and phosphorous, and for most racing applications, that’s not what you want,” It is for this reason some engine builders have switched to diesel oil for break-ins as some of these formulations are known to have higher levels of zinc. “The current diesel oil spec is CJ-4 is limited to 1,200 parts per million (ppm), so it does have 400 ppm more than API pass car oil but it’s only marginally better. A lot of people get mislead hunting down the oil with the highest ppm, as if it were the Holy Grail, and it really isn’t,” Funny thing is that alot of the big race shops like titan, ams, rb sports use diesel oil for breaking in engines that are 100k 1300hp engines so its all who you want to follow or believe.
  16. LOL there is a link, I just posted a few weeks back where they broke down the 12 top oils and you would be so surprised what really is in the oils, Cold hard fact AMSoil is the best oil and best proven oil you can get. Did you know alot of the cheap oils have zinc in it? For zinc to work as a anti-wear agent you need zinc to mix with phosphorous. quaker was one of the worst companys on the testing and had lots of zinc in the oil. Engine builder or not there going to tell you what they want you to buy or what they think. ( which im not saying is wrong) most the time when breaking in the motor you add zinc in the oil with phosphorous. Im sorry but I just thought it was funny you said you need a oil with zinc because all oil has fucking zinc in it. Here is the fact for zinc in motors oils synthetic and non synthetic "The combination of zinc and phosphorous is limited to a maximum of 800 parts per million in API/SM classification, which is the latest classification that came out in 2004. "
  17. I work in corrections for drug and alcohol abuse, and had issues I will not disclose in the past. I don't give a fuck who you are, if your friend is not ready himself to stop using then hes not doing it for the right reasons. Just because he might go into rehab to make others happy , it will not help him....
  18. because we all know octane makes you go fasterrrrrrrrrrr!
  19. My spec was a POS I ended up going to a twin disk which took care of my high rev lock outs . I hate spec clutches.
  20. A good engine oil? Most people use shittys non synthetic oil for the first oil change. After the first oilchange if they have there oil analyzed, or cut open a filter and is clean they switch to synthetic . You never use a good oil for breaking in a new engine. You want the friction a non synthetic oil gives.
  21. Wow some of them wrecks looks crazy!!! Makes you think what can really happen.
  22. I already have a turbo back/programmer,/ intake/ new injectors , its not bad but im just use to my light car.
  23. A good set up coilovers? You can find a decent pair for around 1500
  24. Wow lots of good info on the links, They give out that easy?
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