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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. So you smoke crushed mentos?
  2. Is it relaxing? Or give a buzz? Or just for the taste? Sorry for the stupid question , never tried it before.
  3. Yea Yeah all the toilets in our familys homes have the "french" style toilets that spray water and blow dry ur ass too lol. Some of the vans are so crazy lol id like to drive one around 270
  4. See if someone can help you out with this first, you have no idea the condition and a leakdown and compression test is always a good start.
  5. Like walking inside with shoes on?! Blahhh
  6. My eyelid fold is stock too, maybe we should try and start a boy band.
  7. I dont think you ever answered, has anyone done a leakdown and compression test on the current motor? Is the oil being used up in the motor? Does the car also leak oil when parked?
  8. Thats what i was referring to, ur within 3 hours of most the bigger cities by train. I think from osaka on the jr train ur only like an hour an half away. Kyoto is an amazing city too if you get the time to travel. Omihachiman is a pretty old city too with alot of history with the samauri and shinto religion. Could always visit old schrines and the caste which was built in the 1500s.
  9. I agree both those cars are fuckin hackjobs. Not the cars in this link but the op links.
  10. Have you done a compression test and leakdown on the motor?
  11. If you're in omihachiman you can pretty much do anything on the weekend.
  12. Its so crazy to see the crazy vans and trucks up close, not my type of thing but the body work is amazing on alot of the stuff lol.
  13. Mallard what part are you in? Try checking out performance shops in the area if any.
  14. Its bigger now then ever. The stupid little fucks will stay out till 5am on shitty modded scooters with japanese war flags lol.
  15. What trash! Feel bad for the family and friends. I give zero fucks for rapest, child molestors, murderers. Karma is coming!
  16. Look at all the great 3 yr old wiring job.
  17. Right on, i could not drive for a company. This is my first first full year alone and its not as bad as company guys talk about.
  18. Are you going to be driving for a living? I ended up just paying out of my pocket for a credited school. If youre looking into companys check that out too, some places only accept that. I still have all my books/packets for testing if you need anything i can send you them.
  19. I had too, i bought a car in nc and it had to be inspected before the ohio dmv would get my plates. I think most dealers can do it for around 10 bucks and they give the yellow cert paper for the dmv
  20. http://Www.discoverlife.org you can find out what kind they are. Under the caterpillars
  21. Sharp truck, im liking the color alot too.
  22. Thank you for sharing, looks like so much fun! Btw i miss the heart attack sliders!!!! Best ever!
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