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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Feminized seeds are expensive, and not 100%. Clones are just 5 bucks a pop and already 10inches ready to plant, plus depending on place you go has over 100 strains of marijuana. Once you buy a clone unless you want to try something new, the plant can keep making clones 3 to 4 plants at a time. With hormone gel you can take 5 plants turn into a 100 within 6 weeks if you wanted.
  2. I dont want to go back to japan, its too easy in america, everyone is lazy :lolguy:
  3. No matter what, i love this country and the opportunities its opened for me and my family.
  4. I agree!! If i start seeing americans migrating back to europe/africa/asia then i will start worrying.
  5. Everyone is acting like its a casting for doomsday preppers.
  6. Nobody cares about weed out here, let alone the cartel. Weed is so fucking cheap the cartel are worried about the "hard drugs". North county has average kind bud for 400 a lb you could not make a living selling it unless you run a dispencery, or crazy and take it over state lines . Go furter south into otay and get mexican grown sensi for 200$ a lb.
  7. Nobody uses seeds anymore , all you do is go to the store and buy the clone you want. 100% seedless weed 100% female plant everytime.....
  8. Washington now legalized !! Woot
  9. They do not print foodstamps anymore, they have a debit card looking thing.
  10. Aleast marijuana is legal in colorado now lol
  11. She used human remains as fertilizer. I wonder if her dog is vegan?
  12. Damn so shitty, seems like fuckin neglect on the parents part. What the fuck was she doing driving around in the storm?
  13. You know im just messin with you, good luck with everything.
  14. Aye im not hating, anything to make you and the fam better! Much respect you drunk faggot
  15. Its okay we still have 11 second lsjuans to pick on!
  16. Im sure they handle well being so small and low profile. I will take you up on that offer when i head back!
  17. Well good luck with hanging out with mini owners :lolguy: just kidding but yeah i drove josh,s wifes powder blue looking mini. Not my thing but congrats on the new car.
  18. A mini cooper really? You have tattoos and drink malt liquor...... someone is going to mistake you for a gay hipster . Lol
  19. How is the room inside? Pretty comfortable? I just got back from the desert last night and looking into something by spring time.
  20. You're son must of been so happy, when i was around 10 my buddy claimed he found a 100$ between some leaves and a fence on a windy day. Since he was my best friend hes like we will split it, lets go to " benton brothers" and buy stuff. I remember how happy i was lol. We ended up buying a remote control car, vanilla ice and mc hammer tape, bunch of odds and ends and tons of candy. He stole the money from his step dad and never told me till his mom came to my house lol. Everytime i hear someone say they find or found money brings me back to the 1990s
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