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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Found the answer. No 4 beers for you. :bangbang:
  2. If you get me the answer, I will buy you one.
  3. How can the risk premium increase greater than the yield? Lets say you have a 0 risk bond @ 2%, a risky bond @ 5% and the risk premium is therefore 3%. Risk increases on the risky bond by 1%, yet the risk premium increases by 1.5%. Why does it increase more than 1%? I know its a long shot, but oh well. Thanks guys.
  4. Looks like a GT-R, R8 and F430 fucked and had a retarded baby. Should have been aborted.
  5. ahahahah, that is the exact thing I was thinking. I thought to myself, "It can't be a blender, can it?" hahah
  6. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Childe%27s+5+Characteristics+of+Urban+Civilizations&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=2755c6b3e9b2e9 google, probably already did that, but thats all I got.
  7. off topic a bit: Can anyone do mandrel bends is Columbus? Bending pipe, not buying mandrel bends already.
  8. That site makes perfect sense.
  9. Nice. I really like the FC's and yours looks great. Can't wait for some updates. Good luck.
  10. Aaron

    New Piece

    Noisy Cricket
  11. Aaron

    Audi R4

    Notice it said above the TT, which really means above the TTS. So that means the car will be at LEAST 60k. Cool car without a doubt, and looks good as well.
  12. Take this guys opinion with a grain of salt. From what I remember he was/is an Audi tech. Every tech I have ever met HATES the brand of cars they work on. He has bashed the B5 S4 in a few threads, and with only 20 posts, that is probably accounts for every one but his intro posts. This is more like it. My dad's had the MAF problem and trans problem. Both fixed under warranty. He chipped his and added aftermarket Bailey DV's. Thats it. Common misconception of Audi's. Not the case here. They pretty much worked all the electrical shit out with the release of the B5 platform in 96, and each NEW generation from then on has been good. I love the B5, and would love one as a project car. Buy one with service records (synthetic, TB, waterpump etc) and your good.
  13. A4 Avant > Speed 3 Looks pretty good, but the Yellow fogs don't fit with your theme.
  14. Aaron

    my new ride

    Sounds good, give me a shout.
  15. Aaron

    my new ride

    Quite the change I imagine. We should do a couple pulls sometime stock vs stock.
  16. Aaron

    my new ride

    Not that I am aware of. However any regular full synthetic will be 100% fine. People's opinion on oil is just like anything else in the automotive world, everyone has a brand/style they like, and nobody can change their mind. Unless you find oil analysis' online that show that the oil you are using breaks down too fast (ex: oil starts to break down at 3k miles and you don't change it until 5k miles) then I would just buy whatever one you want. Like I said, we have used M1 5-40 (VAG specs) for over 100k miles and never had any engine problems. I am using Valvoline because the dealer uses it for my free maint, then I will do some research on high quality oils (more expensive than M1, castrol etc). Its a quality, sporty, entry level luxury style car. What is not to like? You will start to understand why people enjoy GTI's, A4's and 9-3's more after owning this for a while. There is something to be said for a comfy, quality, fun to drive daily over a beater and a corvette.
  17. Aaron

    my new ride

    Change it every 5k as well FYI.
  18. Aaron

    my new ride

    I would use the Castrol European formula 0-30. They sell it at advance auto I think. Its the european formula so it is actually a FULL synthetic. The US laws recently changed on all other synthetic oils (even full synthetics) like M1, castrol etc. They don't have the same amount of "wear" reduction agents as the euro formula castrol does. Thats what I would use. If you don't want to fuck with that, any name brand synthetic is fine. My dad and I used M1 for many miles on our Audi's and had no problems. I will be using Valvoline because thats what my dealer uses for the "FREE maint" on the 09 VW's. Then switch to something else probably motul or something after the free maint is over (36k miles)
  19. Aaron

    my new ride

    Yeah, should come on when you do the regular windows when your lights are on. It might be programmed to do it every X times the windows are done (with lights on) too. Play around with it and read the manual. Those cars are button heavy haha
  20. Aaron

    my new ride

    I have always like the exteriors of the 9-3's. Nice pickup on a 6 speed Aero!! Should be a good car. Does it have Xenons?
  21. I am happy with my car as well even though it is in the mid/high 14's. Like you said, cars like ours are very practical, fun to drive and GREAT on gas. My plans are R32 brakes, coilovers and RSB and a LSD. Then after the warranty is up, some power mods.
  22. Aaron

    Gameworks Tonight

    I might be in for a bit.
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