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Everything posted by tripleGmax

  1. Two questions: what law says i have to pay income taxes? how much money did the government spend sending out notices about your tax stimulus check? you know that delicious $600 this year. edit:fixed for income tax
  2. thought i would throw in two cents on the whole buying a house. this comes from a financial advisor who has bought several houses and learned from mistakes. 1. Never use a mortgage broker. Always go directly to the lender for the loan. No matter what a real estate agent tells you about getting a great deal from a mortgage broker, be advised that the agent is probably getting an incentive from the broker, who also earns a commission off of you and may not act in your best interests. ( Read today's front page story about the mess this economy is in due to greed in the real estate market. ) 2. Always get a home inspection when you have a contract on a home. Be wary of inspectors recommended by the real estate agent. That's like putting the fox in with the chickens. Make sure the contract has a clause that states you can negate the purchase if for any reason you are not satisfied with the inspection. ( You will have to add the clause in the contract) Always get a mold test. 3. Real Estate agents always work for the seller, even if an agent is working with you personally. Their job is to get you to buy a house. If you are Internet savvy, the info for buying homes is available to you. When making appointments with an agent to look at a home always ask for the listing agent to show the property. That way you can negotiate half the 6% commission off of the price if you are not using an agent and you can use a real estate attorney for a lot cheaper than the 3% commission the buyers agent will receive. If all of the above sounds paranoid, be advised that the buyer is the one that ends up with an over priced home, a high priced loan and possibly a home with hidden problems. The real estate agent, mortgage broker and appraiser will be long gone with their respective commissions. This is a buyers market. Nobody takes take better care of you than you.
  3. do you do any type of stretching before and or after running? thats pretty vital along with the other recommendations on this thread.
  4. So i wanna get a bell for my new bike. Does anyone have this bell? http://www.amazon.com/Hello-Kitty-Bicycle-Girls-Ladies/dp/B000OWBZ9O http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/11TERtsFjeL._SL500_AA128_.jpg Looks really nice. if anyone knows of any other cool bells, let me know.
  5. at the same time if the media has continued to shape your thoughts and "opinions" then you are at the mercy of the winds as well... ps, yes i know i brought a thread from 07 back, whatever. just watched this so...get over it.
  6. he doesnt ignore those who try to debunk him. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/q&a.htm
  7. Description Taking the fear to a new level, the next-gen Alone in the Dark features the macabre style of the series played with new gameplay mechanics and a broader-reaching, action-packed play style. Explore fully-interactive realtime worlds, interacting with physics and roaming the wide-open, fright-filled environments. This next-gen Alone in the Dark is also built around a unique episodic game structure -- the story is split into a number of distinct 30-40 minute episodes, doled out one at a time as you play. Each time the player launches a saved game, the episode will begin with a video summary of the previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in the story and removing the need to remember where they were or what they were doing. Every episode will close with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle players’ nerves, and if the player is leaving the game a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave them wanting more. Special Features Immersive and engaging storyline with over 20 characters; Exceptionally detailed and realistic environments; Dark atmosphere plays with obscurity and light; Use your flashlight as a weapon against creatures from the dark; Influenced by H.P. Lovecraft. Warnings Animated Blood,Animated Violence,Blood Details Players: 1 Player Controller: Gamepad,Joystick,Keyboard Memory Card: Yes Brand new unopened. first 20 bucks takes it. Pick it up in Hilliard (work) or Dublin (home). http://i14.ebayimg.com/06/c/000/77/45/fa1e_8.JPG
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,396182,00.html it has a wiener.....
  9. The quote at the end of the story is awesome in itself! "They say an old guy came and carted it away," Navitski told New York magazine. "He said, 'I'm going to mount it on my wall.'" Awesome, hes gonna mount a photoshop on his wall.
  10. yeah worth the tivo.....its a great laugh.
  11. you know how i know that USC is gay? cuz they wear thongs....and like it.
  12. bahahaha you are a crybaby crying about crybabies? doesnt get much better. +1 for your awesomeness!
  13. i liked the comment "more like: wife will never touch the c*ck again" bahaha
  14. not my question to answer, but thats pretty good mileage from canal to easton
  15. just because youre getting money doesnt mean you gotta go spend it all right away. save some for a rainy day.
  16. ha, well youre comparing a 4 cyl 87 octane engine to a V6 92 octane...
  17. http://i34.tinypic.com/spag5f.jpg it got changed cuz you suckz at tha interwebz dood. Earl Hooker doesnt suck at the interwebz! Earl hooker for prez!
  18. http://www.aasbd.net/webdev/aasbd70/pictures/r637.jpg
  19. http://www.kurumi.com/roads/3di/pics/ph-i635tx.jpg
  20. yeah car def. looks better with the tein sticker...
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