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Everything posted by Turbs3000

  1. I know I'm in the minority here but when I think about doing it the way you'd have wanted it done it sounds nuts. (Correct me if I'm wrong) from the street you'd see 2 fences that come off of the houses but don't meet, then there would be a 6-12 inch opening running the length of the property? (6 inches if they installed on the property line, 12 if they did it like you and backed it off 6 inches) who is going to cut that grass?. Then they would be installing about $1,500 in fence that runs parallel with yours. Also, the good side of both of your fences would go to waste because they would face one another. I'm in full agreement that the way they went about it was horrible and honestly was most likely their contractor who just did what he wanted when installing. I'd imagine he told them it'd be fine in some forms or fashion. If I were them I would have installed it in similar places they did but installed the correct posts so it was self supporting and tied into yours only for ascetic, not function, but yes I would have made your extra 6" part of my yard (Bodum shhh) all the way down the length of the property.
  2. Bump Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  3. Put it on the street and let the county put it in their lot. Not worth your hassle as everything else will cost you tons or money or time. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  4. The wow modem is a router as well. So you'll hook it into the direct TV box for on demand content and just wirelessly connect all your other stuff to the wow modem like you normally would. The modem is rented for like $8 a month. You can replace it with a purchased one if you don't like a monthly fee.
  5. works for me, sounds like your work is sick of your midday surfing...
  6. Foreclosures are way down from their heyday in 07-13 so less inventory and alot more demand. Depending on what side of town you live in I'd suggest the government foreclosures as your best bet. Hud, fannie, Freddie. They give preference to owner occupants so you won't be trying to fight off all cash buyers. Don't expect to see anything in the 50-60% range, remeber if you'll pay 60% of value you can be certain someone else is willing to pay 70%. Hud will accept bids lower then precieved value bit most banks won't. It's a sellers market and they know they will get someone to buy it at current value. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  7. Are you planning on living in it? Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  8. At work when we need cheap labor or hauling/disposal we use Urban Property Maintenance-the guys name is Damien# 513-276-5741 good guy, feel free to tell him Matt with Contract Sweepers referred you. I don't know if he does residential but I'd imagine so.
  9. any idea on the size of the door?
  10. Thanks for the recommendations all, for now it will be all pt wood. Eventually a more long term home will have something composite. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  11. I couldn't find any previous threads but I have to imagine it's been discussed a number of times... Anyone have a contact for a deck builder? I need to add a deck to our current house where the walkout is about 7ft above grade. Best case scenario: someone who has a 2-3 man crew that can spend 2-3 days installing the posts, ledger, and joists, and I'll finish the rest. cash discounts are a plus.
  12. Turbs3000

    HVAC guys

    What is below these rooms and they are on the 2nd floor correct?
  13. Why not just change the head on the ryobi. The ryobi 18v battery sets are great and so many nice tools that fit it. I switched to lines you clip in last year and will never look back to the spooling crap. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  14. Is that saying that the semi essentially t boned the tesla with the Tesla going underneath the trailer and people think that is in some way the cars fault for not catching that....? Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
  15. on the refund table column 2 is in column 1. column 1 is the 9-2015 value plus column 2. So for example if in 9/2015 your car was worth 15k and the cash payout now is $5100 then you'd get a buyback of $21,000 but if you take the cash option you get $5100 but your car is worth now $12k. so you lost out on $3000 by not turning it in.
  16. someone was telling me you get the cash settlement AND can get the buyback at 2015 rates anyone know if their is any truth to that? I would think it's one or the other; cash and keep it or buyback at 2015 rates. EDIT: yup I guess it's true you either get the cash and keep the car OR you get the cash and the 2015 NADA value. Which is staggering, you basically have to sell it back. If you don't sell it back you lose out on all the deprecation between 9/2015 and now.
  17. I'll be curious as to how this all really ends up and when people can collect as my sister has one. As I've been telling here "I hear Volkswagen is going to be remodeling your kitchen."
  18. just curious any specific reason you'd want a S7 active vs a S7 or S7edge?
  19. Yea that's what I've always done as well. I've had a Sport Trac, s-10,f150, f250, and 2500. The 2500 was purchased new in 2001 for $14,800. now the base is $32,000 I get they come with a million more safety features and comforts now vs then but it kills me both in my personal life and at my work that you can't buy a stripped down 100 or 200 class truck for $20,000 or less. Shoot at work it basically makes more sense for us to lease 3 at ~$900/mo then to buy 3 at $100,000.
  20. Turbs3000


    most satisfying episode to date as well
  21. What I would give to be able to get back to the days of 20k trucks...
  22. For what it's worth the reason the definition here vs there is so important is that here it's reserved for more serious offenses rape, murder, etc. There it's everything that essentially has a victim. Which means things like punching someone at a bar, domestic incidents, petty theft etc all are counted over there and not here. Intentional Homicide paints a little clearer picture, UK 1, Australia 1, US 3.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#United_States
  23. Yea, pretty certain that isn't even remotely true...
  24. Thanks for all the interest guys, I'll be passing the names and numbers people gave me to the owners. Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
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