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Everything posted by lowridns1020

  1. I have one, I'm out in California right now on business but will be back next weekend.
  2. No Austin, you just suck at internet life.
  3. I ordered one from a dealer in Texas back in December, It still has not come in. They are wanting to offer me money for them to keep it when it comes in because the price we agreed on is below what they want to get out of it. They are pretty sweet, the price we agreed on was $30,595 plus tax/title. (This is a dealer I purchase around 30-40 trucks from a year for work)
  4. I have 2 of the Para GI Experts, and also own a Springfield GI. All of them perform flawlessly, but I prefer the trigger pull of the Para's, and the finish seems a little nicer. They are a cheap reliable 1911. I have shot Austin's DW and it is really nice. I have around 400 rounds through one of my Para's and it has been pretty good. Only a few hiccups, but could have been due to cheap ammo.
  5. Great Game, hate the Steelers, however they pulled it out. Amazing what Holmes can do when hes off the bong.
  6. I agree with the comment above. Steak and Shake isn't even in the same ball park as Five Guys. I tried it in Florida last week it is epic. Heading to Polaris to have some today.
  7. It isn't to bad but then again im not a light guy by any means.
  8. Truth, No ccw at my work place either
  9. I'm interested, I will be in Florida until Thursday night, if it is still available when I return I will pick it up from you.
  10. The Armalites at Buckeye were $140 stripped.
  11. How much to do the front/rear racks off of my 4-wheeler? I will remove them. Thanks
  12. Looks like your studying pretty hard, im about to go to qdoba ill let you know how good it is.
  13. Shouldn't you be changing bed pans or something
  14. Im in, you have a problem with driving down on your own saturday? I may go down friday around noon. For some alone time with the 82nd.
  15. One thing to watch is water/mud with the vapor, I purchased one 2 years ago for my yfz450, have not installed it yet. I have the x-bars also, but havn't installed them. I have heard a lot of bad things happen when you start getting it wet/muddy.
  16. You wont find COD4 in your nursing syllabus. Ill buy the map pack, I just don't play very often.
  17. Yea, well they backed into it twice, hit a chevy dually and a grand am before ramming into a house, then fled the scene.
  18. Working on it, had to deal with some issues with someone hitting and skipping on my TA last night.
  19. I also have 2 Savage 93's in 17hmr, and a ruger 10/22, 17hmr is kind of expensive to shoot as far as rimfires go. But they both make great first rifles.
  20. Great shot you have there, amazing the hood didn't crumple, or fly off without having those hood pins you got.
  21. Current Mods LT's TD's LS6 intake PRC 2.5 heads MS3 Cam 420rwhp/390rwtq Mods for winter Dana S60 w/ 4.30's **Collecting dust at work Fast 92/ Nick Williams TB with Nitrous outlet Money Maker *Collecting dust at work Texas Speed and Performance 408ci shortblock *ordered yesterday TFS 225cc heads *waiting on funds New clutch *waiting on funds Custom Cam *waiting on reccomendation from Pat G. Put everything together and start saving for new T56 after mine breaks.
  22. What finish is the gun? I am interested, need a carry gun.
  23. Rimfire means the bullets primer is located on the rim of the casing, the firing pin strikes the rim of the case and ignites the primer. Larger caliber pistols like 1911 in .45 is a centerfire, it actually has a visible primer in the center of the casing. You can reload centerfire, where as rimfire I do not believe is possible or worth it.
  24. Minus the fact that thing ejects shells right at your head, and jams up with 1 round left in the chamber. :bangbang:
  25. Kenny, I have the same model 93 as you, got it before there was a big craze for the 17hmr. I just got my rifle basix from UPS this morning. What scope is that you have on it? I had to pick up a accu trigger model after shooting Austin's. I also have a 10fp chambered in .308. I am quite impressed with Savage's line of rifles. Will be picking up a 22-250 in the near future, and possibly a 204 ruger.
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