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Forrest Gump 9

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Posts posted by Forrest Gump 9

  1. The irony of the whole situation is uncanny. They call for equality and non-discrimination but they are doing the exactly same thing to a different group of people.


    As far as the police goes, I’m sure you don’t one to piss off the people who there to protect you in case of shit happened, and another big reason not to piss them off is they carry guns and know how to used them. This whole shit show is just another distraction

  2. wanna know the stupidest thing i've heard in my whole life?


    It's a bunch of grown ass men calling "dismantling" or "de-funding" the police "stupid" because they think lawlessness will instantly set in, as if these organizations didn't have continuity, transition, and coverage plans for just this situation. Like all of a sudden all the police and prison guards are just going to turn the lights off, lock up, and go home. :dumb:


    There isn't even an agreed definition of what de-fund means right now, so cool your panties, it's not going to suddenly become Beyond the Thunderdome just because people want to take away the money the cops use to buy tanks. Even if they don't call them police officers, I can guarantee you if you call 911 someone will still show up, to do that job.




    I dunno, based on the chatter out of the conservative media - someone is buying that bullshit line. I mean tucker carlson isn't screaming about it to an empty room.


    You may think it’s stupid, but we shut down the world because some lousy “coronavirus”. During WWI and WWII, the world economy was still running. We are in an unprecedented time my friend

  3. what are they going to protest about on July 4th? Minneapolis/ other major cities will dismantle their police departments. They will get what they want and can test this new way of life for the rest of us. I suspect it wont go well, but lets allow them to be the guinea pigs.


    Im not sure if they forgot that American is full of guns literally. You think a glorified mall cop is going to protect you or keep any type of order in a bad neighborhood riddled with guns and drugs, with him only having pepper spray and a billy club (if hes even allowed to carry that)?


    Dude, I’m not really into conspiracy and shit, but if you can’t connect the dot you’re pretty blind.


    Coronavirus -> mask and prisoners released from jails


    Minnesota -> protest with masks ->riots and looting (who, very good chances are those that released from prisons)


    Now, disbanded of the police and dropping charges for those that got arrested during the protest. Who will protect the city and normal citizens and those protest won’t obey the laws because they don’t have to, no consequence from breaking the laws. Well, that’s just from my simple minded observation.

  4. Just another PSA


    Recently got to talk to some old timer. Those that lived thru MLK time. And they said we have not seen the worst yet. Just wait until July 4th.


    Time to stock up on ammo and plywood

  5. Auto body specialists on 5th ave in grandview. I got the recommendation from Craig on here when my jeep was hit. They are active in the racing community and when I got a tour of their shop some of the stuff they had going on was amazing - everything from full panel and rust patching replacements on muscle cars to all steel flares on porsches. Only thing is I doubt they will be cheap.




    Thank you. I know those guys.

  6. I’ve told myself countless time, do not play with rusty shitbox, but they just keep on finding their way to me. Well, at least not yet on this one.


    I’ve found my dream Toyota Landcruiser, the problem is it lives it whole life in Ohio. So it’s a rust bucket


    Anyone has any recommendations for a body shop that can deal with rusty body works. Holes in panels, cut, weld,....the whole nine yards.


    Kevin already said no

  7. I see more without masks than with. They can do what they want. I wear it out of respect for the employees that are made to wear them...even though I hate it wearing it. It pisses me off though when I'm wearing one and the employees aren't. I justify it by thinking I have to wear mine for 5-10 minutes at a time and not 8 hours. If I was having to wear one for 8 hours I'd probably be even more pissed. I still wear it just because. I have a couple different masks. They almost all fog the shit out of my glasses so I can't read shit when I'm in the store because I just leave my glasses in the truck.


    Wash your glasses daily with dish soap. I wear glasses too and that helped.

  8. To me, the points of having a mask on your face so saliva won’t spray out when you speak or sneeze. Another added benefit is you won’t pick at your face with your dirty hands if you have a mask on.


    Please follow the rule so the government won’t have to shut everything down for another two months.

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