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Forrest Gump 9

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Posts posted by Forrest Gump 9

  1. Finally some good news: Talked to my manager in our tier meeting this morning, he had a call with one of our China groups and they are back in the office, the virus is started to subside there. Nice to hear it right from the source and not the news.


    I friend of mine work for AF, she was able to place orders in China four weeks ago. Things in China are getting back to normal, everything is about six weeks behind but people are back to work.

  2. I’ve come to the conclusion, let’s just enjoy the next two weeks call it the “national vacation”. Things will get better in two weeks. Hopefully you guys have enough tp for two weeks
  3. Unless you're not planning to be within transmission distance of another person for the next 2 months treating this thing so minimally is pretty selfish and irresponsible. I think it's a similarly poor choice to encourage that mindset.


    I'm not concerned about the impacts this may have on my health personally, as I'm healthy and 33 years old. However, I have a 60 year old father who has recently received a hip transplant and is at high risk, and I have a grandma (88) and Grandpa (94) who are both at extremely high risk and still living in their own. My situation isn't super uncommon, really.


    My wife and I have chosen to inconvenience ourselves in order to limit our risk of getting this and/or spreading it to others. I'm doing what I can to NOT be a carrier, an easy hop in the chain to worsen the spread and elevate the peak intensity. I can't understand why others who aren't personally at risk can't/won't view it this way and continue to minimize it like crazy.


    I’m with you. Not everyone has the luxury of living by themselves or have no dependents. I’m in a neighborhood that more than half of the street are seniors citizens. If shit hit the fan my street would be light up with ambulances.

  4. Up to help any of my CR Brothers and Sisters.


    Any one have pallets?


    Want to make some raised vegetable beds with them...long before all this went down decided we would make some now it looks like may have time as well.Thanks.


    Just drive behind any large shopping center, there are always some out back that you can take. If you worry, ask somebody there, 99% of the time they be glad you take those pallets

  5. Honestly (besides money) why are they still doing cruise ships?


    What kind of work you do?


    Cruise ship are built on bank money, it’s not running, you still have to pay the notes. Thousand of employees still need paychecks.


    If the cruise is running and shit happened during the trip, insurance will covered it. If the ship is docked the company pays everything

  6. Cause after tissues, it's the next softest thing to blow your faucet nose with.


    But tissues are still available.


    Sams club limit to two cases of water. But there are eighteen thousands brands so you could leave with thirty six thousand cases.

  7. I ran meth on my Evo for years. You can use it to boost you octane and tune for maximum gain. I used it as a way to cool down the charged intake air. It’s safer that way. I’m still ok when the meth ran out. If you tune for octane/maximum tune, when the meth run out you better stay out of boost.


    It’s been years, but aquamist made the best kit. And made sure you have couple failsafe built into, like alarm for low tank, check valves so meth won’t fill up your engine and cause hydrolock

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