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Forrest Gump 9

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Posts posted by Forrest Gump 9

  1. These third generation 4runner have a lot of followers. I sold one last November for 17,500 and that one was AT. The person that bought this truck told me he would pay $25k for it but no one bid any more after $20k, so he won.


    If you can find any 96-02 4runner under 100k miles, with good frame, and under $10k, I’ll buy them all.

  2. Damn, depressing reading the last two pages. I don’t believe in suicide because imho it’s weak. Tomorrow the sun will rise even if the human race cease to exist.


    On another note, if you die first there will be people to bury you. If you the last one to die, no one will bury you

  3. It’s crazy to think back. But my friend and his wife were sure that they got this coronavirus back in late January at a birthday party. They were sick for two weeks, their son 11 years old sick for two days. The wife is a nurse at OSU and they said it wasn’t flu. Another friend also had the same thing and also recovered. Crazy, but this shit been in the US earlier than we know.
  4. Thanks. Sounds like his fever is gone, but still has a massive headache, can't think straight, tired, and achy. Although that was yesterday and he's offline today. They'll never teat hom, unless he gets worse and has to be admitted to a hospital.


    I did say to him that I had heard of people losing their sense of smell as an early symptom. He hadn't heard that, but laughed and said he lost all taste 2-3 days earlier.


    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    He definitely got it. The loss of taste is the big tale fail

  5. Quick story about how readily available tests are up here:


    When we were told to WFH my coworker had a friend with a warehouse and a spare office space. So he moved in there so he wouldn't be home with his wife and kids during the day. Well, last week his friend gets sick and is tested and my coworker is told he can't leave the warehouse until the test results come back. Sunday night my coworker gets a fever, achy, tired, etc. It wasn't until mid day Monday when his friend got his positive test results for COVID-19. Despite him having symptoms and being in close proximity to someone that was positive, he was told that he wasn't getting a test unless he needs to be hospitalized. He's currently living in the warehouse until at least April 4th. His wife is 8 months pregnant and extremely pissed.


    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk


    I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Tell him while he waiting to get test, keep himself hydrated by drink a lot of warm water. Put a slice of lemon or lime in there if he has those. Take zinc supplements if he has. Do lungs excercises, breath deep, hold as long as he can, exhale as long as he can. But mainly stay warm and drink a lot of water. Wish him the best.

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