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Everything posted by mmrmnhrm

  1. Kristin Kreuk as Chun Li = fail Alternatives: Zhang ZiYi or Liu YiFei. Both have done successful martial arts movies, and both are Chinese.
  2. 她的气泡在那儿 -- Where's her dress? I am not impressed.
  3. "almost" goofy??? Your flight must have been sober. Mine was singing "the wheels on the plane" as we began our take-off roll.
  4. Not enough. Those two should have full pardons and their jobs reinstated.
  5. Last I flew, it was just A/B/C. A went first, then B, then C. But of all the airlines I've been on, SW is *easily* the best of them all.
  6. mmrmnhrm


    Pretty nice. I get to the gym (sometimes), study Chinese, play EVE, and have no guilty feelings about stuff stacking up on my DVR that I never get around to watching.
  7. mmrmnhrm


    Jumped the shark years (but only a season) ago. Cancelled cable, doubt I'll even bother to TPB it.
  8. Well, decided to skip it on this tire swap and save for something with a little more sparkle, but to answer in turn... Will: Yes, but you do see a wiggles in the pressure and temp before it happens. This system watches temp, too. Shawn: It wasn't an option on mine (the only choice I had was with or without GPS nav). SP: I typically run mine at 48psi (10% overfill... breaking in this set at 40, will raise after about 2000 miles or so), but from what I could see, you can tell the Orange system what your setpoint is, and it goes from there.
  9. Mine is an '06, wasn't required until '08.
  10. Still trying to figure out step 4.... I spent the first 18 years of my life there, and, umm.... yeah.....
  11. 1. So that if pressure starts dropping while I'm driving, I know to slow down before I have a blowout. 2. So that I have another mechanism to pull information from when sussing out what could be affecting efficiency. 3. I run my tires 10% over max sidewall already, and knowing how much additional pressure is developed while driving would be quite useful from a design safety margin view. 4. Because I'm a lazy ass rat bastard who doesn't like kneeling in the slush to check pressure in the winter.
  12. Going to have all four tires replaced in the next week or two, and looking for suggestions on which systems are good and which suck, since now's the perfect time to add one. Also, anybody know if NTB will install tires I buy somewhere else if they don't carry the ones I pick?
  13. What's this SHIVA you talk about? Google only turns up a bunch of references to Hindu mythology.
  14. It wandered into the darkness and was eaten by a grue.
  15. Take a day or two and go to the CSCC career services department and have them help you revise this. There's stuff on here that is irrelevant (employers usually won't care why you attended AIU, for instance, just that you graduated with a decent GPA), and greater care must be taken with respect to grammatical constructs ("enjoyed greatly" is one such spot).
  16. Ehh, not the backlight then. Glitching like that points to a hardware failure of some sort, possibly an overheat, but more likely some sort of silicon failure. At two years old, it's a little young for zinc whiskers, but that's also a potential cause.
  17. What happens if you plug a monitor into the port on the back? Sounds like it might be a dead backlight.
  18. +1 A cheap-ass or marginal PSU will cause all sorts of headaches, as will bad RAM.
  19. There are arguments to be made both for putting it right where your HVAC's air intake is (spreads humidity through the whole apartment) and for a single room (like, say, the bedroom, since that's where the majority of your apt time will be). When you get right down to it, though, the moisture will eventually disperse through the whole apartment anyways, so it's really up to you which way you want to get it wet. Or you could just be like me, and have multiple aquariums.
  20. Sheer, unadulterated boredom.
  21. Gawd, no. Not Celine Dion. Now leaving to cleanse myself.
  22. What plans do you have this weekend? Sounds interesting.
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