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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. itd be fun to shoot an intruder w/ that.
  2. seriously. that shit pisses me off. i wish i could get rewarded for breaking the law.
  3. i was waiting for someone to say that. the greater cleveland area is still much bigger than columbus. akron is included for a reason.
  4. its pretty much a bigger version of columbus with professional sports teams instead of osu.
  5. good band. singers hair looks ridiculous.
  6. its decent. definitely not as good as their 90s material, but ive been getting into a few of the tracks.
  7. Pumpkins will be at promo west oct. 11. The tickets retail at $42.50 plus about $12 in bs fees. i already got a ticket but got 2 more tickets as a bday present. Most of this tour is already sold out. Im selling the tickets for face value.
  8. does it have the huuuuge police motor in it??? or did they take it out????///
  9. BuckeyeGT

    2 Sides

    sounds exquisitely gay.
  10. is this from that place around cleveland that sells tons of cvpi's?
  11. BuckeyeGT

    Diablo II

    i have it at my dads house. i could have it in my possession in the next couple days. hell i might start playin it again too.
  12. yea i saw that a while ago. i dont think the engines even built. what a waste.
  13. ive tested a few condoms in my day. why do they always fall off??
  14. thats a pretty shitty company if thats wat the boss drives.
  15. looks like a salamander with rockets for legs thrusting into space.
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