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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. dont get me started w/ that shit ass band.
  2. yea that song is horrible. it seems like these dumb ass rap groups are all produced by the same group of people who know wat the moron fans want. its all a bunch of sayings and dances anymore. (ex: wipe me down, party like a rockstar, lean wit it, lean back, shoulder lean, walk it out, other various crap)
  3. no. whats done the the mm? i used to have a blacked out cvpi so its imperative that i know.
  4. an f150 for under 10k is gonna be junk. as much as i hate to say it, id go with a silverado. well actually, i would never own a truck due to not paying out the ass for gas purposes.
  5. my friend almost put diesel in my geo once.
  6. tiburon means shark in spanish.
  7. haha i liked this kevin kurgis commercial... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhvMWqGB6Qg&NR=1
  8. boobs were limited. only tits i think they showed were the ugly girl's.
  9. kid is clearly retarded. reporter chick needs to give me head asap.
  10. i saw a guy who parked his galardo on campus the other day get a ticket for that bs. why would u ever ruin a nice car w/ a front plate?
  11. we're they mexicans or fuckin semolians? im guessing mexicans since you did'nt mention a corolla with no hubcaps.
  12. i used to get pretty anxious. i stopped drinking caffeine and would occasionally drink a beer or smoke a cig when it got too much (yes, i know). the caffeine purge really helped. listening to soothing music also worked well for me. smoking weed would make me unbelievably anxious for weeks after, so i would stay away from it.
  13. i guess my dad threw it away. don ax me why.
  14. BuckeyeGT

    Go CAV"S!!!

    thats somethin u should look up. make it your own little project.
  15. i got an old remington 22 i could sell to you. its a classic but in great condition, it has a 6 round clip i think. yours for $60. let me know.
  16. god. why would u ever want a cock in ur ass. even if ur a girl. i mean.. come on.
  17. bush must be gettin some action from one of his mexican servants at the ranch or somethin.
  18. i found this pretty funny. the new immigration reform is rediculous imo. http://www.rense.com/general76/should.htm
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