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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. BuckeyeGT

    new to CR

    im guessing all but one vehicle in your list of cars are just cars in your family.
  2. seriously. put them on the drive axle.
  3. buy a 2 liter from them... shake it up real good. then yell BOMBS AWAY as u throw it in the kitchen.
  4. now we just gotta stop the whole new generation of them that we're bredding in iraq! :doh:
  5. looks awesome. but those wheels look retarded.
  6. was ur car parked on high st. sunday afternoon? kinda near the arena district.
  7. prolly doesnt wanna replace his engine at 66k miles.
  8. obviously get the vette. wouldnt even be a question for me.
  9. so far so good for the indians! im a pretty big fan. anyone else following them this year?
  10. the 09 is suppose to have a 600hp motor for the super fast model.
  11. i really dont see how anyone could choose budlight over miller lite.
  12. send him a fake return check w/ powdered sugar in it so he thinks its anthrax.
  13. fights over adult diaper preferences are common place in hispanic countries.
  14. someone pm me back. i dont got time for these games!!!! -don vito
  15. my friend ate a whole crave case last month. i think thats 30?
  16. it was bring kids on the field day or sumthin.
  17. ugh.. i got 7 stitches in my head when i was 4. suprisingly i didnt cry at the hospital.
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