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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. it hurts when a bitch barely touches ur balls when ur in the situation that guy was in.
  2. they wiegh almost 4000 lbs. ford is rediculous for making them wiegh that much. at any rate, im sure someone will make a 800+ rwhp gt500 just like the 800rwhp ford gt's.
  3. lets investigate.... corvette vs. mustang.... are they really in the same class? maybe we should look at camaro v. mustang in 09 or whenever. or if you wanna compare a corvette to ford, maybe look at a ford gt.
  4. BuckeyeGT


    evolv3d, are you the guy w/ the evo thats at park sometimes. i think you flew by me one time when i was driving on park this winter.
  5. 5x4.25 and 5x114.3 were the same i thought. 5x4.5s fit on my crown vic that required 5x114.3s.
  6. my 99 gt was way more comfortable to drive than an f body. unless your going for pure speed (like me) i would get a mustang over a t/a.
  7. free agent is good as sold. trek and vegas are still for sale.
  8. BuckeyeGT


    dont do it. its an ambush.
  9. waiting for the 1 mansfield cr member to respond. note: most people in mansfield dont know what computers are.
  10. this same thing happened w/ my mod motor in my crown vic. i would have to keep giving it gas or it would die out. it turned out to be my idle air control.
  11. finally, here are the pix... the diamondback is gone. http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/DSCN1621.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/DSCN1620.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g124/brillo898/DSCN1622.jpg the two used ones need a quick bath, but are still in great shape.
  12. BuckeyeGT

    99 Camaro Z28

    Please read this. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=19135 Thank you.
  13. ill have pix tommorow
  14. BuckeyeGT


    This is buckeyegt's friend, i'm from the mansfield area and it is usually swamped with ricers and gay fucking cars. If you guys want to see some nice cars and bikes that are willing to do some crazy shit, come up on bike night when the superbikes are racing in mid-ohio. Park ave use to have a ton of sweet ass cars, but all the old fucks with bad fucking muscle cars stopped bringing their 69 camaros, cobras and vette's out about 8 years ago when all the neons and civics started cruising.
  15. BuckeyeGT


    mansfield/park ave is a joke. its all hillbillies w/ fart can equipped probes. the only nice car there is "Rays T/A." (pewter trans am w/ a 408) i had one of the nicest cars there when i would take my gt up there while i was living in mansfield for college.
  16. make some offers. i know some of you have kids. itd be better to buy them one of these than some walmart pos.
  17. ants a close second. i might even be willing to call it a tie. i have him beat in nose size, cheapness, and geography. he may have an edge in the ancestry field.
  18. you got me beat... but i only paid $850 for my geo. so i still win the biggest jew award.
  19. im trying to do a cam, intake, exhaust, spray, ls1.
  20. http://www.thelotspot.com clevelands version of cr is no longer in service. it says the account has been suspended. it was a good site to watch some NE ohio racing vids and check out the classifieds. im sure coltboostin knows whats up. anyone else know why it went down?
  21. if shes destroyed 2 phones, make her buy the next one.
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