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Everything posted by BuckeyeGT

  1. just get the procharger for it.
  2. that supra made that stang look like it was stopped.
  3. big step up from those other wheels. thats a nice lookin t/a.
  4. apparently that lady eats a lot.
  5. this wasnt ur 11 second dsm was it?
  6. ur good at talking trash about mustangs. just gotta work on actually backing it up.
  7. hey guys, just moved back from college and i have some stuff i need to get outta here. PS2 games: NCAA Football 2005 Gun (awesome game)- $15 Goldeneye: Rogue Agent- $10 007: Agent Under Fire -$10 Gran Turismo 3 -$10 GTA: Vice City- $10 Dave Mirra 2- $5 All-Star Baseball 2003- $5 I have a lot of college textbooks i bought at osu... history 151 Eng. 110. Math 130 series CSE 200 English 291 just ask me about them. Around $20 each. Also have a shitload of magazines from the last year.... Motor Trend, SI, Muscle & Fitness. $.25/piece Im in Bexley. START MAKING OFFERS!
  8. that thing would be amazing. wouldnt tilly's tt beat it tho.
  9. how bout some 225/55/16s. they are fuzions and have about 30% tread left.
  10. finally switching to domestic v8. good choice.
  11. who cares about "its." sorry to hear about the deer, but its not like it did it on purpose. deer are the last big animal in ohio, so i say there nice to have around even if they fuck up cars and eat flowers.
  12. has a/c but it doesnt work.
  13. all those cars are pretty boring. but i guess you said u needed a winter car so... id do the altima or the maxima.
  14. ls1's the way to go. you'll be around 400rwhp w/ under $2k in mods.
  15. FTW get a 04 black police interceptor for 13. AED blower kit for 4. black rims for 1.
  16. i definately will not watch it. why would anyone over 15 want to see a rainbow of imports skidding down the road. not to mention the plot will probably be nonexistent and the actors will all be tools.
  17. mohican... cheap, nice area, nice river.
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