looking for a m6 ls1. black, white, silver, or dark blue. i will be selling my car as soon as i return from school (june 5) and will be looking for an ls1 at that time. more mods the better. let me know what you have. thanks.
you cannot find a c6 zo6 for 60-70k. they have been marked up as well. also, no squirlnuts, i am not wrong. everything i said was factual. thanks for playing?
dont tell me im wrong. the car obviously has a value of 60-70k because that is what they go for. the msrp is 42. like i said before... what other car can you find for 60-70k w/ 500hp?
L&F definately wont touch the cats. they have a big sign that reads " if you dont ask me to tamper w/ your catalytic converters. i wont ask you to pay the $5,000 fine."