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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. That's my area of expertise, hence the name. To the OP, other than the one you always see on tv and shit, I have no idea.
  2. Holy shit... I forgot all about this. And I play gt almost every night. lol Oh well, I dont have a wheel anyway. Eventually, you have to play with a wheel. How funny would it be if I'd progressed that far and hadn't used a wheel, yet? I remember going in and running minimum laps for it to record my first times in the tourney. I never went back to improve them. Simply forgot.
  3. To hell with the Gay Butt Packers.
  4. ImUrOBGYN

    Mods Poll

    Calling yourself cool is never cool.
  5. haha There's got to be somebody you can contact somedamnwhere. If not, throw a rock through the window and wait for the manager and the cops to show up. Say you just happened to stop by to pick up your truck as the cops were showing up and btw, where is my truck?
  6. lol It should fit under the hood of my supra. Hmm... 3500 on a rebuild or 3500 on a Toyota v12?
  7. A couple that weren't mentioned: Louis CK - He has a few standup shows including that recently aired. He also has a few 30min shows, as well. Here's a collection of "10 best" moments of Louis CK. http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/2010/07/video-10-hilarious-stand-up-moments-with-louis-ck/ Stephen Lynch is also hilarious. His expressions, etc add to his show, as well. Some of the funniest songs you'll ever hear. Here's a few. Lullaby (one of my fav's) Waiting Grandfather He has a whole other album I've hardly heard called 3 Balloons, as well. He has a ton of them and those above probably aren't even his best. Just some good ones I found right away.
  8. ImUrOBGYN

    snow drags

    Not sure if I'll be out. Depends on how I feel later but it's not looking good. Gonna be cold as a witch's tit today and tonight, too.
  9. haha Holy shit is right. This is what I thought this thread was going to be about. I've had it so packed on (last year) in both the rav and the norm's old wrx that there was 0 suspension travel. Interesting ride. lol Heard of this issue before.
  10. Yep, had a couple there that night on Fri. Not bad. If I wanted a light, refreshing beer, I would choose it over many others. Would I drive to another state? No.
  11. I did, didn't I. Ok. Just got here. Where the hell is everybody?
  12. When I first got my property at Lake Limestone, I used to camp out at it all the time as I cleared and prepped it. I remember night after night a good sized pack lurking around the treeline, eyes glowing from the campfire and hardly making a noise. Never bothered me and was never afraid of them. Curious, intelligent creatures. I have hunted them when needed but it was generally with dogs and a handgun.
  13. Next, on Maury... Ahh, I kid. Congratulations! May I suggest some reading material? "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift. Excellent read... Ahh, I'm kidding again. Seriously, congratulations.
  14. This. Of course, if you don't keep up with various sports, it'll all be very irrelevant to you. Some parts were pretty funny, others not so much. Worth watching a 2nd time and giving it a chance. BTW, the show's name is SportsDome. It's an Onion product.
  15. Ill stop by. I haven't been out of the house unless absolutely necessary for at least 3 weeks, now.
  16. Well, started a thread in Meetings. Hopefully, someone's got some idears.
  17. Snow related or otherwise that doesn't involve more than $10-15?
  18. Thank you. Some closure. lol I can both complete and fill in the rest of the story, now.
  19. Many people do not realize this. I think alot of you would be amazed. It's a business like any other. The last time I 'price shopped' was for a dentist. What one dentist did for a couple grand another wanted to charge me for 11k! I shit you not. Just goes to show you... Why? Is it a need? I hope so. And to both of you, I'm no doctor, but it's been my belief you never take a ct if you can get an mri for it. I do not know either of your specific needs nor should you take my word as king, (Im sure neither of you are ), but it's something you should really look into. And if you do, I wouldn't necessarily accept the actual hospital's advice on where you're getting it done. Remember? It's a business.
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