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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Meh, looks like any other hollywooder with money and not enought to eat. With that much money and trainers, I'd look as good as her, too. Better actually, cuz I wouldn't be such a bony bitch.
  2. Don't care either way. Means nothing to me.
  3. Just proved the op's point with that statement.
  4. This ^ I've known about for a bit. He's got some skill.
  5. It's almost laughable in the beginning. So many inconsistenties and little things that don't make sense but are so part of movies like this. I enjoy it. I like pointless horror, too, but honestly, this wasn't near as bad as I'd been led to believe. I was actually hoping for alot more. :bangbang: Ive seen worse back in the 70's. Aw, those were the years for horror movies... Anyway, still gotta watch it. So, get to it.
  6. You couldn't put a link? Now, I gotta type this on top of opening a new window and clicking youtube from the history/address bar. :bangbang: Haha, cool. Best to pick a vid with a dark background at 0:00.
  7. Ok, watched the first episode yesterday. Didn't do the HD thing, kinda glad I didn't. The special affects and writing are both a little rough and/or underbudgeted. Then again, it is on Stars (didn't expect a huge budget) so I guess I can give some leeway. It's a little rough, but an entertaining ride, nonetheless. I do wish they could've done a little bit better with the blood at least, considering it's gratuitous use. Oh, and +1 for titties. In conclusion, it's not top of my list but is entertaining; easily feeling that niche I need of something to watch while I dick around on the computer.
  8. Im not a geek/am too poor/find other things more important/insert whatever you want here to have an iPhone or Android based phone. In other words, I posted this for you guys and had no idea there was an app thread. Or, if I did, I forgot.
  9. Hey dammit, I owned a TR-7 for years. lol Got some great f'n stories in that car. Much better condition than that.
  10. hahaha Fucking awesome. Ok, I saw the first thing coming. However, I did not see the rest coming. And that's what that lady gets for getting on her high horse. Does it make me a terrible person that the 2nd thing I thought of for an answer was pussy?
  11. "There are plenty of telemetry apps for the iPhone, but few are as sexy as Zilla. The app provides the usual data, including G-forces, weight transfer and speed, but apes the Polyphony Digital-designed instruments found on the Nissan GT-R. You can customize the screens to suit your needs, and the layout and graphics are second to none. Not only that, but according to the app's developers, it has "...near Chuch Norris levels of accuracy." All for $3.99 in the App Store." Vid at link. http://translogic.aolautos.com/2011/02/08/zilla-injects-a-little-gt-r-into-your-iphone-video/
  12. For me, form MUST follow function. How far do I drop a ride? As far as I can before it starts negatively impacting performance. However, isn't this a rat rod type thing you're doing? If so, you have to find a way to slam it at least when it's parked. I love the 'on flat tires bottomed out in a field look' for rat rods.
  13. ImUrOBGYN


    lol You must've been stoned. (Munchies and easy to entertain.)
  14. Psst. Hey. Hey! You. Come over here. Got some great shit, bro. Take a look. http://www.corbisimages.com/images/67/7D06F37A-273B-4848-9801-F566D8346599/42-19992838.jpg Couldn't resist.
  15. Many artists, not only rappers, 'put on a show'. That's their job. They're entertainers. You think Marilyn Manson is truly a dark, baby eating goth in real life? He isn't. I've actually met and spoke with him when I lived in Cali. Do you think half those Disney entertainers live half the wholesome life you're lead to believe until they turn 16 and the news finally lets loose? lol Please.
  16. Last Tosh.0 show he had a web redemption of a girl who screwed the national anthem up at a game when she was younger. We were talking about how you could possibly fuck that song up in front of all those people. I guess anything's possible, but when you are a professional who's used to performing, what f'n excuse do you have?
  17. A few of you in here are fucking idiots and have no idea what you're talking about. I can understand if the guy had just shot a cop or something, but there's no excuse for that treatment. IT's that fucking simple. You cannot argue it. Morals and beliefs aside, a police officer has certain codes and laws they must abide by, as well. Period.
  18. What kind of games do you prefer? You may also check out the video game exchange sticky for possible swaps/purchases/borrows and just to get an idea on what other games people have enjoyed enough to own.
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