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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Shit, my bad. I knew I waited far, far too long from the moment I checked and actually posted. lol And you're on. But me topless = you guaranteed loss. :marc:
  2. China tries to pass off Top Gun footage as Chinese Air Force footage. lol http://gizmodo.com/5745307/did-china-try-to-pass-off-top-gun-as-air-force-footage
  3. Pretty cool site with some good info. I know many people do not know just how many 4wd/awd systems there are or the specifics on them. I was amazed how hard it was to find real technical info on any many manufacturers awd systems when shopping for a vehicle. Not all systems are created equal! http://www.awdwiki.com/awd.html
  4. Welcome to CR, Chris. Mind if I call you Chris? Great... Great intro, too, Chris. Other than your name, which you'll need another. Unless you like Chris. Maybe, Christian #2?
  5. You make a very good point, actually. Norm, Littleguy on here, has known me for quite a few years and has pointed out to me times when he's believed someone behaved a certain way or was polite to me only because of my size or the way I look. (I look like a normal guy these days, if not a bit fat, lol) My gf and others have, as well. I guess I've never relied on my physical appearance and so I don't generally take that into account. Maybe, that's why people are so suprised when it turns out I'm laid back and have a sense of humor. lol I do this, as well, though I won't go far out of my way to grab one though I always return them. lol Right.
  6. See his paint at the very end?
  7. At least they're getting a new roof.
  8. So, you making every excuse to drive it? I like to goto the store and get bread, then go get milk, then whatever else I can think up when I get a new car. haha It's too bad the weather and roads are so foul. Can't even enjoy the new car clean unless you don't wanna drive it. Anyway, looks good, man. Enjoy!
  9. In the middle of a rebuild atm. A little better than stock and some new coolers for the tranny and p.s. Only looking for 4-450 eventually in this car and to be honest, I dont have to do anything for that engine wise. But let's be entirely honest and admit we all know we set a power goal and once reached, it quickly becomes "not enough". lol That's pretty much going to suck up all my money for the season probably. Oh and some new beefier offroad oriented tires for the RAV4. Don't laugh, you haven't seen what I've put it through.
  10. http://healthyliving.ocregister.com/files/2010/07/righthand_blog.jpg
  11. Give me a call again today or I'll call you as soon as I have a moment. I meant to get back to you yesterday but got caught up. Until then, my best wishes to Mandy.
  12. Since you say you've checked the wiring, I'd go with the two above but I'll add this... It could very well be the garage opener in the garage. I was having issues with my garage opening and closing on it's own, too. I realized the roof had a leak and water was leaking behind the wall and getting in behind the garage door opener in the garage and actuating the damn door without being pushed.
  13. I'm forever amazed at some people's attitudes. I can understand soemtimes people have a fuck ton on their mind or maybe they were just having a terrible day, but that doesn't even begin to cover it all. Similar story: Saw a lady walking out of walmart here in Delaware with two carts full of vcr's. She was having a hard time controlling them out into the parking lot and I was going in the same direction so I offered to help her out. She actually had the f'n audacity to refuse my help (that's fine) and then allude to the fact that she's not falling for it and basically accuses me of planning to rip her off, in the middle of the day, in front of all these people watching her and NOT helping her. After first struggling past the urge to now rip her THE FUCK OFF to teach her a lesson. Long story short, I instead decide to explain to her in the most demeaning way possible that some people are really just kind and helpful and she just insulted one of the only ones in this parking lot apparently. I go out of my way to help people. Whether in a store, on the side of the road, whatever. I'm amazed on how many people I've helped while at least dozens of people have just stared and gone on by. It's even more saddening that half the time I try to help someone or am polite to them, how almost suprised and thrown off they are, sometimes to the point where they dont' even trust my intentions! Hell, I'm very polite every time I even go thru the drive thru or in a corner store. People react suprised and positively. It's nice to see them come out of the shell they have to use to deal with the general public.
  14. ImUrOBGYN


    Hahaha Good clip choice.
  15. I'm sure it smells like cheap perfume, sweat and desperation.
  16. 1. lol You're absolutely right. :whistle: 2. I agree.
  17. Full of awesome. I saw this along with a few other pics of 'homeade' boats and shit. Gave me some great ideas. Hell, I've 'boated' in a few things most wouldn't consider.
  18. There is some beautiful country in Arkansas. I've driven through Hot Springs north into Missouri. Been on 7, 10, 309; some nice drives out there. I've actually considered moving to Hot Spring before. I don't give a shit if it's "Arkansas" or not.
  19. ImUrOBGYN


  20. That's what you think... That's what you think...
  21. Todd Collins sucks so much. He actually looked frightened when he went out there. hahaha Holy shit, I remember seeing that, too. Awesome. Can't wait to show the gif to the gf.
  22. I live in Delaware, OH so you must be be referring to Delaware the state because I'm the hottest fucking chick here.
  23. Sweet. They're also coming out with their own animated movie. I think they have something else in the works, too. Shit, I can't remember. Imagine that in a Cheech and Chong thread. lol
  24. Wow, welcome to reality. It's fast food. Does anyone really think McDonald's is serving up high quality beef? lol I will say this about Taco Bell that many of you will not know. A couple months ago I read part of an interview (it was part of a larger media piece on fast food restaraunts and improving the quality/healthiness of their food), and the interviewer asked, I forget... "The Taco Bell Boss", ha, what they planned on implementing to improve. He said they had been experimenting with adding more spices, etc in lieu of sodium. I wish I could rememeber just how much sodium they were cutting out, but it was a damn impressive amount. When asked when they would start testing this new food on the public, he laughed and said something like over 6 months ago. Personally, I believe that's the best way they could go about it. If they'd come out in th3e beginning and told everyone, how many calls, emails, etc do you think they would get bitching about the food? Whereas, this time, he said, if anything, business has been up. Also, I've noticed their tortillas are different, as well and the burritos seem to be a bit smaller overall but not always. Up to the preparer when it really comes down to it, I guess. PS - All the McDonalds can still disappear into a sinkhole leading straight to hell.
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