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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I woulda missed it if not for your comment.
  2. This. I want an excuse to start eating people.
  3. I change mine out very regularly. Makes a huge difference and what I find most neighbors/friends problems tend to be.
  4. Shit, forgot all about this. Things have been very tumultous here. Gonna send you a pm.
  5. Supposedly the guy wanted bacon and they don't serve it there. Maybe, the worker expected the customer to know or something because one of the guys in black says, "he didn't know". He does yell at him for recording him and apparently doesn't like it. Anyway, that's all I could glean. I'm sure there was some escalation up to that point.
  6. ImUrOBGYN

    Fun Game

    http://armorgames.com/play/5171/cargo-bridge-armor-games-edition http://www.dragongamez.com/bridgecraft.htm Man, I know there are at least two others better than this... Just been too long.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    Fun Game

    Played thru this game a long time ago. Really addicting. I ended up finding some others like it, as well. However, I don't remember the damn names of the other ones. I do know I found them either on dragongamez.com or armorgames.com. If they come to me, I'll post back. Anyone here ever try "Even More Contraptions" or any of that series?
  8. ImUrOBGYN


    +1 for giving me a giggle... just like that one time you showed me your wiener.
  9. Can't watch it and I cannot currently find another copy on youtube.
  10. Glad things worked out for you. I'm suprised he didn't back out.
  11. That's a shitty situation. And lol@some of your comments. A few of you sound like you've pull a gun at a moment's notice. You'd get yourself f'n shot in a second doing that in half the places I've lived in. As someoen mentioned above, you would've just committed suicide.
  12. Nice save. Oh, and lol@the vid.
  13. Either, or. It works, it doesn't. Statisitics show accidents have actually gone down since the inception of text messaging. If it wasn't texting, for example, that first girl was doing, it would've been something else she did. A shitty driver is a shitty driver, whether texting has been invented or otherwise. If you're an easily distracted driver, you['ll find something else to do. As far as young drivers are concerned, you're the fuckin parent. YOu should know if they are capable of driving responsibly. Like everything, we start to blame the object or so-called 'cause' and punishing everyone with ridiculous laws instead of the holding the person reponsible, get this, that's responsible. Shit, I could type a page of shit that falls under this category. Hopefully, some people will see it and they will think twice, though.
  14. ImUrOBGYN


    I checked mine, but I didn't have anything. Should I check, again or just Thorne?
  15. Sweet. Gonna start carrying around a negative balance. See how that works out.
  16. My favorite Subaru color. The blue is nice, but I love the dark grey. Almost 40 seems a bit steep, but they are some great cars for the money. Happy you're happy. It's always exciting to get something new.
  17. Holy shit, Grove City will be a ghost town when this comes out. Gonna go steal something from them for once...
  18. At my lowest with my car last year, it just so happens I decided to watch Love the Beast one day. It changed my mind and gave me a renewed interest and hope. Especially, toward the end.
  19. ImUrOBGYN


  20. Shit, man, sorry to hear that. I truly hope everything works out. My best wishes go out to you and yours. What's with this holiday?! On the 27th, I went for a root canal that had complications. Was in pain thru Turkey day, Xmas, and new Years. On the 28th, my dog, my best fuckin friend in the world for 12yrs, got sick. 29th, I took him to the vet. The next day, he was gone. Cancer on his spleen and liver and nothing that could be done. You guys have the time and the means. Be supportive and strong. Many people can beat cancer these days. My aunt recently made it out after a bout with cancer. It can be done. Good luck.
  21. Seems a few of you use this. I keep meaning to check into for sooo f'n long, now but I keept putting it off.
  22. Got this business on... Shit, either Daily Show or actually it was probably Colbert Report. Gonna start a charity for myself.
  23. Well, of course, nothing is foolproof. And I won't even get into how much shit I've had slip by McAfee in the past. Your best defense is your own knowledge and experience. Also, everytime you suggest a MAC and someone takes your advice, you've affectively increased the chances of MAC's being attacked more often. The only reason they aren't attacked as much is... Well, here's an analogy. If you had to create a product to make yourself money, would you create one that catered to 10% of the population or 90% of the population? So, what's you've affectively convinced everyone to buy MAC's, you'll have to start convincing people to buy pc's, again. lol
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