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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Fuckin sweet. Almost the same color as my old 510.
  2. This man did so much more than drive for Toyota. Even they called him the Godfather of the LFA and he is known to have had a hand in the 2000, supra and others.
  3. Was in a rush to Aquarium Adventures before it closed yesterday and had an older gentleman in a 196x red convertible mustang. Looked restored and unmodded. I think the plates were POPPE or POPPEE or some shit. He pulled out in front of me and proceeded to try to haul ass in front of me. I was appreciative, (as I said, I was in a rush), and remained a safe distance behind him but there was no doubt as to my hustle. He decided to show me how much better that old Mustang (to be fair, the tire size looked original OE), was than the, wait for it... The RAV. Needless to say, and mostly due to driving error, Im sure, he put half the car in the gravel on a curve but somehow saved it. He was much more careful after that. This also meant slower. Just enough to make me just over 1min late. Luckily, the nice girl in the store let me in, anyway.
  4. Similar things have happened. Never the peeing down my leg feeling, but other similar weird nerve issues.
  5. ImUrOBGYN


    Was driving around that time.
  6. Yes, it's already been thru one season. It's nowhere as good as UK Top Gear, but it's a car show in the same vein, so I watch it. The new season isn't out, yet. They've been changing hosts, too. Probably a good thing, though. lol. Seems that way, but if you looks, most of those shows aren't currently airing. Also, we generally watch tv at nights. (And Im' usually awake until at least 3am.) This way, we watch them when we want and without commercials. So, I don't mind keeping up with the shows this way. Especially, since these days they seem to love starting and stopping shows constantly, including moving around days and/or time aired. And they wonder why ratings are so hard for them and many of their shows. Well, maybe someone will find the list useful. There are a couple shows we are currently watching not on that list. Lucky Louie (used to be a hbo show starring Louie CK. If you don't know who he is, you're missing out. His new show should be out this week, btw. It is on the list.) The other show is It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia. Don't bother with Comedy Central's. It's not even in order. I dowloaded the first couple seasons and we have laughed our asses off each episode. I don't know how I missed this show.
  7. Porche wins. By about 2 seconds. According to mini, that's over 35k/second. What they fail to mention, is that it's on a very small track and 2sec is a pretty damn big time. Since I've been lazy this whole thread, why stop now? You can find the vids.
  8. This sounds like something Norm would say. lol Id suggest letting me do the talking, however. You and Norm's mouths are liable to start more trouble.
  9. Triple Just for the hell of it, here are all the current shows we watch (or actually download). Including those on hiatus with return dates (if known). Some of these we both watch, some of these are for our own individual viewing pleasure. For example, she's into alot those law/detective shows. I am not. And if you can't figure it out, TBA is 'to be announced' and the show should be returning. TBD means the show may or may not be returning. MON Dan For Mayor Neighbors From Hell - Law and Order - TBD Men Of A Certain Age - TBA Top Gear Australia - Early 2010 Weeds - 8/16/10 TUE Deadliest Warrior Louie - 6/28/2010 Warehouse 13 - 6/13/10??? - Better Off Ted - CANCELLED (2 remaining) Lost Tapes - TBA V - TBA WED Mythbusters Tosh.0 Ultimate Fighter - Criminal Minds - 9/22/2010 Destination Truth - Fall 2010 Law and Order: SVU - TBA Modern Family - 9/2010 South Park - 10/2010? The Middle - 9/2010? Ugly Americans - 10/2010 THU Fifth Gear Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - Archer - 2011 Bully Beatdown - TBA Community - TBA Fringe - Fall 2010 Important Things w/Dmitri Martin - TBA Krod Mandoon - TBA Parks and Recreation - TBA (MidSeason) Psychoville - Special/Winter2010 - Series/Spring2011 The League - MidSummer 2010 The Office - 9/2010? Top Gear USA - Fall 2010 FRI Inside MMA Whitest Kids U Know - Bullrun - TBA CSI: NY - 9/2010 Eureka - 7/9/2010 Kenny Vs Spenny - TBA Sanctuary - Fall 2010 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 10/2010 The Life and Times of Tim - TBA The Ricky Gervais Show - TBA SAT - SUN Check It Out - s01e06 Frakenhole - 6/27/2010 Futurama - 6/24/10 Squidbillies The Boondocks Top Gear - 6/27/2010 True Blood - American Dad - 9/2010? Aqua Teen Being Human - TBA Bored To Death - TBA CSI: Miami - 9/2010 Eastbound + Down - TBA Family Guy - 9/26/2010 The Cleveland Show - TBA The Simpsons - TBA The Venture Brothers - August 2010? ======================= TEST SHOWS Persons Unknown - s01e02 ---------------------------------------------- Life Being Human USA - Summer 2010
  10. Are you referring to "Get A Life"? I listed that one earlier. Funny ass show. Supposedly, Elliot's been trying for years to get it brought to dvd or some shit but they've had issues, I guess. I don't recall the whole story.
  11. Holy hell, I gave up looking a long time ago. Gonna watch those later. Oh, and I completely forgot all about Colbert and Carell.
  12. Loved KI and especially Tekken, as well. However, when it came to NeoGeo games, Samurai Showdown was the shit!
  13. You're being worthless in this thread. <-- I know I added the smiley, but you really are. lol
  14. Just a little FYI, if someone is married here, adultery is still illegal. From Wiki: "In the United States, laws vary from state to state. In those states where adultery is still on the statute book (although rarely prosecuted), penalties vary from life sentence (Michigan), to a fine of $10 (Maryland), to a Class I felony (Wisconsin). In the U.S. Military, adultery is a potential court-martial offense. The enforceability of adultery laws in the United States is unclear following Supreme Court decisions since 1965 relating to privacy and sexual intimacy of consenting adults. However, occasional prosecutions do occur." I'd definitely let his partner know and if you really wanna be a dick, send an anonymous letter to his boss, too. I'd put a good story with it and some proof would help in both situations, as well. There are so many vindictful and dick things you can do. It's up to you how far you wanna go before you can move on. Just be sure to not let this situation, or getting back at someone, consume you. Sometimes, a little revenge is healthy, but there is a line. All in all, good luck with getting through and on with this bump in your life.
  15. Well, for shits and giggles, I was going to change my avatar but it won't let me upload any animated pics for my avatar or sig. Anyone know why? Please, send me a pm.
  16. Love the truck. I just posted in a 'truck' thread about my lack of passion for any new trucks and love for the oldies. It's got style. Welcome to CR.
  17. Can this guy be banned for racism? I'm not even Mexican. I'm a lazy Puerto Rican.
  18. This is what I was touching on. Does it look 'right' to us? Maybe not, but maybe there's something there we don't know or understand or we're missing. So, I say, throw the fucker out there and let's see what it can do! lol To Draco, I sincerely apologize if you meant no ill will in your post. I'm not one to attack someone without provocation. I may've misunderstood or misread your post and felt it was directed to me and my statements. If you go back and read it with that in mind, you may see why I was mistaken. Either way, I'm over it. I've been more specific as to what I was trying to convey previously, so there shouldn't be a problem. I am curious as to why you only picked out the fuckstick portion instead of covering any other part of my post since some of the other content kinda explains why I was pissed. Of course, once you've attacked someone, they kinda stop processing what you're really trying to say and only here the 'fuckstick' part . lol
  19. This. I have seen every damn episode more than once. It's one of the only old/older shows that I look forward to still watching. There are too many others I currently like to watch so I'll try to stick to old and cancelled shows. I will say I really got into Farscape on the SciFi channel when it was on. Used to love Mamma's Family(?) and All in the Family with good ol Archie Bunker and Sanford and Son. First Wave was interesting, too. Never could get into Seinfeld. Used to love Get A Life, too. Anyone remember that one? Good luck finding episodes of it. Ohh, bonus points. And good luck finding episodes to this, too. Anyone remember The Dana Carvey Show? Much to ahead of its time. Funny as shit, but lost all it's big sponsors (Pepsi, etc) within a few episodes. The firs ttime my roomate and I watched it we were like, this shit is too fuckin funny for regular tv. I wonder how long it'll last.. Not long was the answer. But it was glorious while it lasted. At this point, though, it would probably seem like normal fair.
  20. If we're talking about the game, SF way the fuck over MK. Movie-wise, MK over SF unless we're comparing it to the animated SF movie, then SF over MK. Other than eye candy, SF was a much more accomplished and polished engine. The programming/coding and ai for MK was crap. It was never that smooth and the button punching combo crap ruined it completely unless you were a noob and it made it easier for you to look like you knew something. SF was that car that looked like nothing special but would blow your doors off. MK was like that car with the big spoiler and graphics but disappointing down the stretch.
  21. ImUrOBGYN


    Haven't had great luck with speedway gas here in Delaware, so I don't use speedway at all for gas, anyway.
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