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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I don't know... Does he still get the use of his sword? I believe He-Man would win if they were in their 'regular' forms. Nobody stops the Hulk. And don't you reference that DC vs. Marvel crap. They gave that to Superman. Whatta fag.
  2. I thought it was because you put your wetback ingenuity to work on the wiring.
  3. Cute. Yeah, I said it. Fuck off.
  4. I enjoyed the first one. Especially the battle scene between Scorpion (one of my fav's) and Cage. Also, the Sub Zero and Liu Kang fight. This one looks pretty crazy. I like the way they're rolling with it. Oh, and btw, that 'disease' that Reptile has in the beginning of this vid is an actual disease and the babies do look just like that. Crazy. Oh shit. Finished watching it. Scorpion's gonna be the man.
  5. Who wants to band together and take over a small island? Oh, and if you can't handle staying out of someone else's business (unless they're harming the other inhabitants) then you're not invited. Everyone helps each other out, otherwise. Simple. Screw all this other political bs and and the slow dissolvement into a police state. I knew there was a reason I've wanted my own island since I knew what a fuckin island was. (Strange dream for child. Except now, I'm willing to let a few others come. lol) Just like us, we all have different labels and names but we're all still 'people'. Just like us, these politicians have labels, etc, but they're still the same 'people', it's still the same system and the president doesn't carry the weight I think many believe. We can have a 'different' president, but the end result will be the same because he is only one man among many. When will it actually change? When our whole way of government is destroyed and/or rebuked. And when and if that happens, it'll probably be too late for this country.
  6. Then how in the fuck am I supposed to know you're wanting over so I can speed up? Kidding. Excellent rule. :thumbup: This has always been my rule, as well.
  7. lol Fuckin A. I feel fairly certain you're one of 'those' people. If you truly need me to explain, I will. Was he wearing a flag pin?! If he wasn't, he hates Amerika. I'm an expert on these things.
  8. It's not that he has a problem with coke, he just really likes the way it smells. lol Yeah, caught that, too.
  9. The largest turbo on a production automobile. The second largest turbo for a production vehicle. Little trivia for you boys there. Steve, I have 2 ct26's on my shelf in the garage. One of them I believe needs a rebuild. The other ran fine when it was removed. Howver, it's been sitting awhile. The ct's make decent power and gobs of torque. Let me know.
  10. Man... Why in the hell did I read all that? Fuck, my morning's been greatly saddened. I'm very sorry to hear that, man. I'm so very attached to each and every animal I've owned and it's one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. My old man, Titan, is 11, now. Getting pretty damn old for an AmStaff. I find myself worrying about 'the end' more and more and the grief, though unwarranted, is almost already too much to bear. I feel for you and your family and wish you the best of luck while dealing with this heartbreaking loss.
  11. Sounds pretty cool. Ah shit, it's the 19th. I'll be driving my daughter home and getting back in the evening just in time for some offroading.
  12. Ditto. But it's always "someone else's president", never the one they voted for. If it had been a Republican president, we'd hear the same people placing blame now, protecting their choice in presidents and the other side would be blaming the gov'n. All this shit cracks me up. Believing and following a political party these days makes as much sense as organized religion. It's bullshit and your hardass views and beliefs skew your perceptions and then they use that to seperate us into groups. If we fight amongst ourselves, how can we fight against them? Agreed. And at the same time, expected. How can you not expect it? It happens no matter who's in office. I can't understand how people so quickly forget. It's like everyone's memory is wiped clean when a new president or election comes along. Wait! Maybe, that's it. I've finally realized the true conspiracy! Nah, I think it's more likely people are just f'n ignorant and/or stupid. Exactly.
  13. Wow... lol Really? Perspective's a crazy thing.
  14. Hahaha, I cussed at an old lady while driving today, too. I highly recommend this at least once a month.
  15. Only now it's official, so it'll even cost you more to afford justice. Remember, contrary to popular belief, you're guilty until you can afford to buy your innocence.
  16. Rivers are super high here in and around Delaware.
  17. Fuck me, man! So, are any of you his friends? Who the hell let this lightweight consume that much alchohol?! I don't know, I've always kinda kept an eye on friends no matter how drunk I was. I know you can't always babysit someone however.
  18. It didn't seem to enjoy being woke up from the winter. Kinda long story to explain thru typing. Anyway, not confident about driving her, so she's parked in the garage for now until I figure out exactly what's wrong.
  19. Seen this guy before. Amazing. I've always enjoyed pencil drawing. However, I never draw anymore after all my work burned in a fire. Just never "got it back", so to speak.
  20. No drunken pics of the ginger? Hmm... I don't know.
  21. Damn, man. A little understanding or sympathy? I'm sure he's just a bit out of shape and he can't vent about his dog dying, so he's venting at the situation. Anyone can understand that. And if you can't, at least try not to be quite such a dick about it. I don't know why you seemed to take is so personally, but I'm sure it wasn't personal slight. That being said... Having first hand experience with vet clinics, ie; personal experience, working at them, very good friends with multiple vets/owners, and having been involved in 'behind the scenes' buying/selling for a vet clinic, I'm well aware that many of them overcharge. Not all of them, many of them. One of their favorites ways to do it - innoculations. Most of your dogs innocs are not needed as often as they used to anymore due to changes in the innocs. However, they still continue with the same rules of innocs as they've always had. I won't go into this any further as it varies from place to place, doctor to doctor. I will tell you this, don't be afraid to haggle with them. You'd be suprised at some of the discounts you can get, etc if you're hurting. And for my dogs, I don't mind doing it if it'll help.
  22. ImUrOBGYN


    Well, I can't commend you for finally doing what you were supposed to do in the first place, but nice save, anyway.
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