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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. bwhahaha When I first saw your quote, I thought you'd edited it. Until I checked my post and realized I had typed that orginally.
  2. Oh, I agree. Wear whatever you want. But be willing to accept the risk involved. On a more empathetic note, I'm glad she's getting fixed.
  3. How about just 'worried', then? But seriously, though, it truly is a matter of perspective. For me, feeling the need to carry everywhere "in the event of..." ranks up there with I might as well wear bulletproof vest while I'm at it. Or, have a bio/chemical mask always at the ready. For me, CCW for everywhere begins the slippery slope for me. Now, there may be things I do that others may view as paranoid, etc. We all have our things. As I said, all a matter of perspective and I CAN AND DO respect the fact if a responsible adult wants to do so, then by all means. However, I know too many people who are licensed and behave a little too trigger happy or little too paranoid, and paranoia, fear, etc can worsen a situation very, very quickly.
  4. My first thought is, how often do you really need to carry a firearm and do you really need one to eat dinner at Bob Evans? I mean, maybe they'd be more inclined to get my order right the first time if they think I'm carrying. Or maybe, I may need it in case that 'thug' over there decides to finish up his strawberry and creme crepes and then come and take my pancakes. You never know. I get it, now. I understand. Honestly, I just don't understand it. I've lived in way worse areas than many people on here, for sure, but I've never felt the need to carry a firearm everywhere I go. I just don't feel that threatened or frightened. However, I will say that it IS THE RIGHT OF A RESPONSIBLE ADULT.
  5. This... And this... And this... I'd also like to add that some of you are f'n pricks and bigots. Really, I know, no, I hope that some of you are joking. But to advise people to milk the situation and sue, etc. is fucking ridiculous over something that quite obviously seems like an accident. Personally, I would just suck it the fuck up, quit trying to blame the world for a damn accident and take care of it myself. I was doing a job at a customer's house one time and their doberman chewed my damn cell phone up. Did I blame my boss? Did I blame the owners? No and no. Fuck me... The only way I would blame the owners is if she was standing outside the door and the dog jumped on her. Otherwise, tell her ass she made a mistake and please reread the first two posts I quoted. They said it nicer than I will.
  6. Would you rather slam into a tree? I'm familiar with the track, trust me, you wanna hit the concrete barrier. Or stop being a shitty driver alltogether.
  7. I need to come up with some good weight savings. So, full on naked for me with a completely shaven body.
  8. Is that thing ever getting traction?!
  9. You should. You met me through Ohio Supras. Why in the hell do you even need CR, now?
  10. They'll never afford dignity.
  11. I didnt notice this. If that's true, and I'm going to do my best to find out, he should go down, too. I don't know the Conklin's personally, but he'd have to be a goddamn fool to do that.
  12. Ok, prime example of some of you jumping to conclusions. I actually have some personal insight and experience plus actual knowledge of the situation. First. The fuckhead mistreating the animals was hired at the beginning of April. The guy filming was hired toward the end of April. So, instead of the camera man turning in this relatively new employee, the fuck stood by and watched this shit happen. Instead of actually doing right by the fucking animals 'they so love and protect', they continued to film this shit to further the propaganda of another PETA type fuckin group and their own personal gains. This leads myself and many others to believe it's a setup. How do I know this? Because Conklin raises dairy cattle. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars learning what can make their dairy cattle produce higher quality and quantity of milk. Stress and abuse, obviously, would greatly reduce both those qualities. Do you really think Ohio Dairy farmers want their fucking life money abused and treated this way? I spoke with people from Select Sires, which is practically next door to Conklin and has been directly affected by this incident only because of their proximity and being a cattle business, as well, and they'll tell you the same thing. They can spend literally in the millions for the care of high end breeding sires throughout their lives. Having worked for a lab that works in conjunction with Select sexing semen, I know firsthand how improper treatment affects the cattle and their production, both in semen from bulls and milk production from heifers. Also, to come on here and start yelling for people to call and harass the farm for what is obviously a fucked in the head employee who was immediately reprimanded and then arrested is ridiculous. That's why they had to have the f'n sheriff at all those places (including those not even affiliated with Conklin like Select and Sexing Tech because people are too fucking stupid and on their high horse to even know where it fuckin happened.) on Rt 42 all day today because people wanna jump to conclusions and act an ass. My gf showed me the video today. She manages a lab nearby that works on contract to Select Sires. They had a 2hr meeting today and everyone had to watch the vid. She is a huge animal lover and was devastated by it. We've both devoted our academia to the study of various animal sciences. I only watched it halfway thru before I turned it off in disgust wanting nothing more than to make this fucker pay for his evil. I saw it on the 10pm news and they released the name of the guy. They also went the guy's house where he and his gf live but, of course, they wouldn't answer. I was at a friend's, so I do not remember details. Too bad. I'd love to know where this ass lives. Hopefully, some of you take the time to read this and realize, it's not usually the farms, especially in instances of a continued production animal such as dairy cattle. To do that would be like you jamming your gun in the mud when you depend on it to live, or taking your F1 car sliding down a rutted, dirt road before a race. Just doesn't make sense. That fucker who abused the cattle and that rat fucker who video taped the whole damn thing are the two who need to pay. Disclaimer: My last statement was not a threat.
  13. C'mon, you know to post the ad, as well, in case it disappears!
  14. Ha! Hilarious. At least it was still his dad and not some other guy or his dad watching some other guy drill his mom. I mean, get the fuck over it. What a fuckin suprise! My mom and dad have sex. They probably used that money to buy your fuckin xbox you ungrateful piece of shit! Now, you get in there and show you appreciate them by purchasing a 2nd download of their material and knockin one out on the couch just like good ol dad used to do!
  15. I've had two experiences with Cougars in my time. None that close. When living in Cali, I drove up to my grandfather's place in Temecula, CA. He'd told me about one in the area. NExt morning, went outside to the car and there were prints coming out of the desert, into the yard and around the car, then back out. Good size, too. I walked a ways out until I lost the tracks. Further back when I was still in HS (9th grade at the time if I remember correctly) there were reports of a large cat in our area. I've lived on a 10acres of heavily wooded land surrounded by more heavily wooded land. Many thought the reports were probably the mistaken idendity of a large bobcat which were pretty common. Late one night, I heard something in the woods nearby and one of my goats and a few other animals were flipping out. I ran out to the edge of the woods to bring the goat in and heard what sounded like a large creature in the woods. Then the growls... Both Cocoa (the goat, lol) and I just froze and listened. Nothing. Then finally, the sounds again. Yell at the goat (a tame pet who listened like a dog), yelled for the dogs and we both run like fuckin hell to the house where I run onto the porch. I had taken the rifle, but I couldn't see shit! Never saw it for sure, just the sound alone let me know it was either one hell of a steroided up Bobcat or an actual Cougar. Not to mention, the growls sounded nothing like I'd ever heard a bobcat make and I'm actually pretty damn familiar with bobcat sounds.
  16. As soon as CR comes up, I hit the "New Posts" link up top then go through any new threads or old threads with new posts that interest me. I've also always been suprised on how many people don't know about the "New Posts" button/link.
  17. It's always interesting to me to see how evolution's hard-wiring is still so ingrained. So much of how we behave can be traced to things we've learned since our time began, that we now react or apply to, even the most rudimentary things in our modern day lives.
  18. Gonna try to be in for this.
  19. The problem with most cougar attacks is you never see them coming. You could have 12 guns and 8 knives and it won't make a shitta bitta difference. Oh, and please, someone tell me how bad ass they would be and how you'd arm bar it or some shit. lol
  20. I gotta wonder if there wasn't a small crack or something near the edges you didn't know about. Sometimes, the heat of the sun on it is enough to have it lengthen. Unless, it's not touching the edges, then someone threw some shit at it.
  21. Most 'full coverage' covers repairs for free. If the break is over a certain size or enters the driver's vision, the entire windshield is replaced for free. In some states, (not sure about Ohio), even if you only have liability, the windshield repair is free. I had a rock hit at the very bottom of the windshield on in the middle of the passenger side in the damn RAV on the way back from St Louis. It was cracked about a foot up and to the right. Got home and in the morning, the damn thing spread past the middle and just a bit into the driver's side. Insurance spoke to their local windshield people and they came out to work and replaced it there the next day. Still, new car honeymoon's kinda over.
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