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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. <---- is scratching that spot where the back of your leg meets your ass cheek.
  2. Dunno if we'll be able to make it out on short notice. Nice addition to the thread.
  3. We were just looking for another xm radio. I'd love to come pick that up from you. Where are you located and what times are you available. I may not be able to pick it up today, and if I can't, I should be able to pick it up tomorrow.
  4. Haha, that sucks. Didn't know that same guy owned that Enzo. It seems all the vids of the bugatti crash are being taken down. Stupid. Anyway, here's a vid of the actual crash, the tow, etc all in one for those who haven't seen one or all. Watch it before it's gone, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SxzP7TWXnI&NR=1
  5. Man, I loved me some PRide fighting. I didn't like the lack of elbows, but I loved the ability to kick on the ground. It made for some exciting and devestating fights. I think I may even prefer the Japanese crowds, too.
  6. I generally only play one 'crappy' game at a time. For the last couple days, it's been Ge.ne.sis. It's been good at time wasting. It's a flash rpg on Armor Games. Kinda fun. Sounds a bit more traditional rpg than Cave which is to my liking. Used to play Sonny 2 and, hmm. Shit, there was another fun one but can't remember it offhand.
  7. So, is it more platformer or action rpg or regular rpg? Sounds more like one of the first two. Now, if it's more action rpg, is it more zelda like or say, diablo like?
  8. Sweet! That'll definitelly give him first dibs on bowling alley trim. Seriously, though, that's pretty cool. I enjoy bowling, well, all sports/competitive things. It's nice to find something you excel at that's not only fun but can make you a little money down the road, as well. Hell, he can probably get a scholarship for it. Do they do that for bowling?
  9. Neither did I and I'm definitely a perv. By default, then yes, Rob, you are a perv, as well.,,,,,,,, Just wanted to add some more commas,,,,,,
  10. lol Holy crap. And wtf, those people were cheering their asses off.
  11. ImUrOBGYN

    Oh my...

    WTF is a pop sickle?
  12. Really, guys? lol "You're right, Killjoy." Now, it's truly fixed. You all fail. :gtfo:
  13. lol Those are two very different cars. I've heard the Fits are some of the more fun econoboxes. Swap something nast into that little thing. It doesn't have to be something gas guzzling. The Lincoln just oozes old school pimp. Welcome to CR.
  14. Springsteen blows it, more than once, in Michigan. http://music.msn.com/music/article.aspx?news=441858&GT1=28103
  15. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/churchsign.jpg
  16. Oh well. I won't be able to leave for another 15min. 45 min later than the original meet time.
  17. Damn, no way I'm making it by noon, now. Wish I'd seen this earlier. How late are people planning on staying out?
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