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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Happy Birthday! Here's your gift. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/40Rape.jpg
  2. I've had more dogs than I can almost remember. I've trained dogs both for hunting and driving livestock. Never, I repeat, NEVER have I had to use a training collar. A training collar is the lazy man's way. Period. I'm not trying to pick on anybody. But this is my honest opinion. Do with it what you will.
  3. Watched this a couple days ago. I thought it was pretty funny.
  4. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/SpeedOfLight.jpg
  5. Than you just let them go. You don't accuse them of theft as an excuse. Why is this so hard for some of you to understand?
  6. Looks like fun. I wanted to take a drive yesterday, but nobody I knew felt up to it. My last free day so I'm taking one myself. No traffic on backroads today and it looks like it'll be nice. Was there any law enforcement presence down there this trip? I've been hitting up a few other places since the last couple times i hit up Hocking, i was worried about traffic and saw a couple cops hiding out down there.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    I'm A Dad...

    Congratulations, man!
  8. I've been curious, as well. Due to my back, I don't want to do any loading or unloading, though. And I've heard some shady things about those schools who train you on the cheap or free and then have you work for them. Can some of you actually speak about the experience, ie; pros and cons, how you got into it, etc? Instead of just saying, "Yeah, I do it."
  9. What's the benefits of a Roth IRA over a traditional IRA?
  10. Well, got this a little late. It's 10pm now. I was able to amust myself for awhile with a movie. Back to boredom again, though. At least another 5hrs of it, probably. lol Thanks for the offer, though. There's usually not too many people up to doing something after 10pm on a Sunday.
  11. Here, I thought you were being sarcastic, but then I saw the reply to this comment by RangerTurbo and thought, well, maybe he really questions it and hasn't had a dog or cat or whatever, before. But then... So, I can only believe, and I'm not being sarcastic or anything, either you have a very dumb dog or you don't interact with your dog enough. Hell, it could even be you so believe the animal is incapable, that you don't realize how intelligent they are. Let's not forget, that much like a human child, if you never teach your puppy shit or interract with it enough, it could grow up stupid, as well. I've had many, many animals. Not including all the husbandry jobs and schooling. I've witnessed acts of animal intelligence that would blow some people's minds. And yes, I know the difference between instinct, training, and intelligence. I've immersed myself in animal related, well, everything, since I was a child and they've never stopped being able to amaze me. Especially, considering the overall mentality about animals, their ways and intelligence has changed considerably since I was young. There is much more than initially meets the eye and we're just really starting to learn that. We all still have much to learn. Or, maybe, I've just misunderstood what it is you meant, alltogether.
  12. Yes! Resistor! That was the fuckin one that was killing me. Everytime I tried to think of it, 'relay' would pop back in to my head.
  13. This is exactly what you need to do. Dog has pent up energy so it tears shit up. Crating it will only increase the problem and give it mental issues. lol And no goddamn bark collar. Really? Let me put one on you so you can feel it everytime you talk.I wanna punish you for talking. Mmm. Punish you like a bad little boy. Take... Uh... take that off the dog is what I'm saying.
  14. Fuse, relay, blower motor. Hard to say without proper diagnosis. Probably not a headgasket issue, since it's not an actual temp problem but no air at all blowing.
  15. Somehow, this did nothing for my boredom. Imagine that. lol I have just finished watching UFC 104. I'm a huge fan of both fighters in the Lyota Machida vs Shogun match, but Shogun got screwed on that decision. Now, that's over. Back to super boredom as opposed to being mildly bored.
  16. Leroy! Little buddy! He's a lover.
  17. Definitely seems to have some heavy Weimaraner blood. I would of thought it would be a little more stocky with lab blood. However, your dog reminded me of another breed. The Vizsla. Here's some info on that breed below. Very similar, but your dog looks larger than most vizsla. In the pics u took, anyway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizsla http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/vizsla.htm Love BullTerriers. Had friend who had one, as well. I would love to have one if I didn't have 3 dogs already.
  18. It's a nice day, today. Other than the Test & Tune, is anything else going on today? I can feel the boredom rising up... It doesn't take Sunday off.
  19. Or his most recent performance starring in the film, "Ginger 1/2", where he plays the role of a closet transvestite. By day, a mechanic specializing in restoring heads, by night a ginger headed goddess who makes her living giving head.
  20. "...unless you are a friend?" Many people don't have private accts. or still have some available info to be gleaned from internet accts. I used to work for a company who would utilize any way (that would result in a negative view of the employee) to fire their employees. This could be for any reason including just not liking the person. THis has happened on more than one occasion to what happened to be excellent workers. When one thing didn't work, they'd move onto the next, ie; random drug tests on only one individual who had done nothing to warrant it, internet searches (one person was fired for having a resume online, I shit you not), crazy changes in schedule, you name it. They've even gave someone else 2 drug test in a row trying to oust the guy. This particular gentleman had worked flawlessly for them for 2.5yrs. But, one of the owner's "didn't like the look of him", he didn't seem to care he was one of the best workers. I seriously could go on for days with, i might add, completely unbiased views and accounts of the shit this company pulls and gets away with. THings that would blow your mind and seem unbelievable simply becuz they seem like completely illogical business moves/chances. But is happens. And not just in this company. And no, I no longer work there becuz they pulled this with me. I had to quit becuz my boss became my gf. Oops.
  21. lol They should drive it to India. (Don't get the joke? You figure it out after seeing the car.) http://videos.streetfire.net/video/WTF-Saudi-Axle_713356.htm
  22. Seems to be coming along well. Especially with all the free/discounted parts. Keep up the good work. Good luck, guys. (Guy and gal.)
  23. I imagine the key words here are "so far". I would hope they could do better. I admit I'd love to see some folks from CR put it in their face, though. Good luck if you decide. I got 5 on it.
  24. I'm sure you could move on if someone filed a report on you for theft and is still holding a $400 paycheck. And you know, that's not even the goddamn point. I've lived in many places and doing so, I've worked for alot of places that pull shit like this to get rid of people. If he is being wronged, why should this store owner be allowed to get away with shit like this? So, he can do it to someone else? What if he does it again to someone who has a family to support? Who isn't young and fresh out of college? Either way, this could fuck up a person's future. The type of job has ZERO RELEVANCE. And so does his online screename on a fuckin local car forum. Christ.
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