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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I don't know. That sucks. I would at least grab my amp receipts and so on and call Shamrock and make an appt to speak with the owner. I definitely wouldn't just roll over and take it. Try something. Maybe someone will come in with a similar experience.
  2. It's crab, not crap. lol And it's a shrimp you're actually talking about. Though, the crap I was forced to produce at the fair yesterday was very similar.
  3. And BINGO was his nameo. I'll take a look at it Friday, Bill. But if you're renting, it shouldn't be your problem. However, as Mike pointed out, you should just be able to replace the panel and that you should be able to find wherever that garage door maker's products are sold. Hell, other brand panels may work or they might even make OEM replacements china style.
  4. Ahh, Outlook and MAPI problems. The two just go together. What's the exact error message? Also, (I may not be fully understanding the problem you're expressing) but can she not just go in and reset her default mail client to outlook, again? (Do this by going to internet properties and then the "Programs" tab.) In the meantime, if that doesn't work try this. Let me know how it goes: http://www.theemailadmin.com/2009/07/troubleshooting-mapi-errors-while-running-outlook/
  5. That sucks, man. Here's for a speedy recovery.
  6. Looks great if you've got a GIANT FUCKING DOOR to prop open.
  7. Dammit, now my uh, "curiousity" is "peaked".
  8. Read about this a few days ago. Have you heard of the of them catching fire, too? Actually, maybe that was the iPod.
  9. lololol We're both fucking jerks! And because of that, we both watched it twice. lol :asshole:
  10. Sounds like a good time!
  11. Lovin the GN. Nice cars. Welcome.
  12. Thanks, buddy. But Junior finally brought me one a little while ago. Mods may close this thread.
  13. Does anyone have a spring compressor I may borrow that lives around Delaware and woulnd't mind dropping it off? My car has been jacked up now for 3 days while I've waited for someone I know to bring their compressor and I'm starting to tire of the excuses. (Yes, I've even offered to pick them up multiple times when I had a car to use.) So, I know it's a shot in the dark, but if someone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. I currently do not have transportaion which is why I would need it dropped off. Don't ask me to goto Auto Zone, etc, plz.
  14. I know you watched Top Gear before you came over last night!
  15. Because, apparently, it was only napping.
  16. I thought about doing this but then realized anyone I texted in my contacts with that would end badly.
  17. Just so you know, when I went to that website linked above, my Avast went off and said it was trying to download a trojan. Just a word of warning.
  18. For those of you familiar with the Legend of Neil series, season 2 episode 1 is now available to view. If you haven't had the opportunity to watch it, yet, do yourself a favor and begin here. You won't be disappointed. http://www.effinfunny.com/legend-of-neil/seasons?vid=342&sid=1 OK, here ya go copied from my email: A lot of exciting news to announce over at the Effinfunny/Legend of Neil headquarters. 1) Season 2 has begun! Watch episode 1 in our newly revamped website! We had an absolutely amazing premiere at Comic-Con to a packed audience and are so happy to finally drop the episodes on the web. Enjoy, and please rate, comment, digg, and spread the word! Every 2 weeks a new episode will be out, follow us on twitter @legendofneil or on facebook to get up to the second reports. 2) Upcoming Appearances. Star Tony Janning and Director Sandeep Parikh will be at ConnectiCon in Harford Connecticut this coming weekend (Jul 30th - Aug 2nd) and then PAX in Seattle (Sept 4th - 6th). Make sure to find us there! 3) New T-shirts! We just released a new design a "This crap is free" t-shirt online. Grab it while they're still in stock! 4) Season 1 to be aired on MTV2 tonight at 11pm, a new episode every night this week (Mon - Thurs)! Set your Tivos.
  19. Oh shit, that's right. I remember seeing that when Norma (Littleguy) and I were there for a bit. That would've pissed me off, too.
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