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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Not sure what the guy did, or if he actually did anything, to provoke her but I bet she learned not to physically attack someone who could obviously beat the shit out of her. The only time I've ever laid my hands on a woman was in 9th grade. Very similar situation but on a bus. I had done NOTHING to provoke her. I'm still a bit confused to this day. haha After wrapping her up and holding her multiple times with no help from the driver or other students, and obviously no place to get away, I let her up once again still pleading with her to stop - she'd been yelling, cussing, and hitting. She promptly started swinging again and then kicked me in the nuts. My right fist just shot out reflexively and, pow, right in the nose which promptly dropped her and started gushing. I felt fucking terrible and thought I'd get one hell of a shit storm at school. Once everyone found out what happened, it was pretty much dropped, though. Anyway, I simply won't put up with that shit especially in a relationship. The first time you touch me, I'm out. Not later, not after a talk or counseling; I don't care how hot or rich you are. Fuck you, bitch. I'm out.
  2. You should've bought another Vibe. I kid. Good luck with the fix. On the bright side, if this is the only thing wrong with a modded car you just bought, then I guess it could be worse. Of course, I say this without knowing how much time and/or money you'll spend fixing the issue.
  3. What part of town do you live in? Edit: Nevermind. I live clear on the other side.
  4. One thing I'd like to add is that there probably is an Intrepid forum. Hell, there's a RAV forum. You don't want to spend much time there if you're a 'car guy', (it's an exercise in patients or amusement depending on your mood), but it's there.
  5. Hahaha "Don't think I won't get out of this chair..." I'm sorry, but there is zero chance I'm taking you seriously at that point. And wtf, you're too fucking lazy, fat, handicapped - pick one or more - to fucking shop on your own two feet but you can get up and fight someone in front of some kids. Fucking priorities.
  6. "The Columbus Division of Water is issuing a nitrate advisory to certain populations receiving water from the Dublin Road Water Plant. Do not give tapwater to infants below the age of six months or use it to make infant formula, juice or baby cereal. This advisory will remain in effect until further notice." Read the whole story here: http://columbus.gov/Templates/Detail.aspx?id=80363
  7. Looks good so far. Can't believe how low profile that tire is in the second pic. Love to see a pic with them on and the rubber down.
  8. Very pretty. You really have gotten quite good.
  9. Paint it? Wrap it? Blue Painter's tape it? Wallpaper it? Convince boss he's color blind - only when he looks at your cart.
  10. Whoa, I can see why that'd be an issue while mowing.
  11. You gotta aim for the pee hole with a taser.
  12. Guess that explains the lack of the perp being tasered. I wasn't aware of that. Curiosity quenched. Thanks. Not really sure what you mean or who you're referencing. Do you?
  13. It's possible, of course. I will add that after the initial attack, the guy seemed more intent on simply being shot again rather than actually stabbing the officer. I"m not saying he still wouldn't have minded stabbing someone, I'm just saying his priorities seemed to shift a bit. I wonder if the officers recognized that and hoped he'd still listen to reason or some shit? It'd help to hear what's going on, too. Either way, they gave the guy a shitload of chances. Still, at that point, if you're willing to back that far up why not taser that ass? Now, I get the cop being backed up can't take the time to reach for a taser with a man coming right at him, but what about the other uniformed officer? He just backed up along with the first guy. Eh, I dunno. I'm just some guy watching a shitty video with no audio and commenting on it on an automobile enthusiast site.
  14. They all have Halloween celebrations and I can imagine it was far colder at Cedar Point that night. I will say, we waited for practically nothing that night. We also lost the car keys. Funny story but I'll just say it ended up being an interesting night.
  15. Went to King's Island for Halloween one year. Can't recall the name of the ride, but the one you sit in, takes you straight up - way up, and then drops you freefall. I was the only one on it, (best friend and girlfriend were being weenies), and it was actually warmer at the top than at ground level. A very noticeable difference. Then, a plummet back through the temp gradient to the cold cowards below.
  16. It's too bad shit like this has to happen. It's sad for me to see someone's life taken for whatever reason. It's obvious the guy is a bit off given his history and his reactions after being shot the first time. I feel a little bad for the officers (possibly) for having to deal with it that way, as well. I don't believe every officer gets into that career hoping to have to shoot someone one day and it must take its toll. Also, I get the guy is dead/dying, but do you need to slam his head on the ground and then drag his face around so you can cuff him at an angle perpendicular to the building? Seems a little unnecessary.
  17. haha It is kinda cool in a super funky, ostentatious way. It's also driving me a bit crazy the birds aren't both horizontal on the wheels in the second pic above. Or at least just even with each other.
  18. I hate those red, thorny ass bushes. They look nice but they f'n suck to trim and shit.
  19. We have this issue big time. I get my revenge in a variety of ways depending on my mood and level of boredom. Some of the ways are to let them know I'm there and still refuse to open the door. I do this, (and have done this and more), by say, looking out my window until I make good, long eye contact, and then just leave the window and go sit down or stare at them thru the eyehole (it's very easy to tell someone is watching you outside my peephole), and simply never stop until they leave. Hell, I've even opened the door, taken a good look at them... and then slowly just shut and locked it all weird as possible. Sometimes, I let the dogs answer the door and tell them I'm not allowed to speak with them according to the dogs. I've told them I don't live here and then just quickly closed the door. Oh, I made the last exterminator sales guy listen to me drone on and on about the various insects around my house, endless facts, etc even when he obviously wanted to leave, and then after having him stand there for a ridiculous amount of time, finally informed him I would not need any of their services ever. I love insects and will never kill them. Unless he's here to exterminate neighbors. I especially hated people who 'bugged' me. He left. Keep in mind that was the third fucking visit from the same company that day. They stopped thru twice the previous day. Anyway, the list goes on and on. I get these people are just trying to do a shitty job they've been given, so unless they're actually rude or can't take no for an answer, I try not to be too rude about it. The last two places I've lived in, they've been real bad. And honestly, it's been in two pretty different areas from each other. This is a bit nicer and they're worse, though. I've wanted to put a sign up but it kinda bugs me to have to put a dumbass sign like that, plus my gf for whatever reason, as well, doesn't really want one up there, either. I will say this, though. If you put up a sign, you've got a damn good reason to chew someone's face off for still ringing that bell and pissing off the dogs and you in the process. (I have the same problem.)
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