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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Includes short video. Commentary in video is, of course, full of conjecture, but the skull is very much real. http://presurfer.blogspot.com/2009/03/strange-elongated-skulls-discovered.html If you're interested in more information (and I think you will find the following interesting) here is a link to get you started. http://www.crystalinks.com/incanskulls.html
  2. A lake "frozen in time" for hundreds of thousands of years beneath Antarctica could contain "unique forms of life" Pretty exciting stuff to me. I wish they were going right now. http://www.examiner.ie/World/idojqlqlid/rss2/
  3. Grunt away, men. (Full Story) Guys have a reason to high-five in several Ohio cities, named some of the manliest places in America. A new ranking said Cincinnati, Columbus and Toledo make the top 10 for manliness based on criteria such as the number of major league sports teams, popularity of tools and hardware and frequency of monster truck rallies. Nashville, Tenn., comes out on top in the study by Sperling's BestPlaces and commissioned as part of a promotion for Combos snacks made by Mars Snackfood US. Charlotte, N.C., is second, followed by Oklahoma City and then fourth-place Cincinnati. Columbus is seventh and Toledo 10th. Dayton is manly enough for 15th and Cleveland ranks No. 19. New York City finished last out of 50 major U.S. metropolitan areas. http://www.newsnet5.com/news/18861147/detail.html?treets=nn5&tid=2657323817813&tml=nn5_12pm&tmi=nn5_12pm_1_11000103052009&ts=H
  4. I will say, "So far." But it's definitely good news at this point for the research. Two-year-old girl can see for the first time following stem cell treatment http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/4938179/Two-year-old-girl-can-see-for-the-first-time-following-stem-cell-treatment.html
  5. A small jellyfish may hold the key to eternal life. http://www.allnewsweb.com/page6616612.php
  6. Pretty funny site. To get an idea what it's like, read the first letter on the homepage and then the reply. Some of the replies to this guy are as funny or funnier than the original. http://www.jackassletters.com/
  7. Man survives. Cem Tokac stood by as a truck crossed a railway line. Obscured from his view an approaching train ploughed into the other side of the truck and pushed it right over him. Watch the video in some considerable disbelief as Cem escapes this with minor injuries. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/turkey/4940653/CCTV-shows-moment-when-man-survives-collision-between-train-and-lorry.html
  8. I'll remember that if there's ever a time I get too drunk and go home with a fat, ugly girl. So, do you just air it up at the gas station or what? Is there a little valve like on your tires that I can press to "deflate" your car at the store for cutting me off?
  9. You're absolutely right and I've always liked that quote. But unreasonable does not always equal intelligence and intelligence does not always equal reason. An intelligent and wise man can do both.
  10. 70? Damn, that's changed. When I looked at the weather a couple days ago, the weekend was supposed to be warmer than lately, but fuckin rain most of the weekend. However, starting next week, it was supposed to get cold again. Not super cold, but enough to remind you it's not quite spring. I'm definitely ready to pick back up where I left off last fall. Exploring every damn back road in in Ohio from East to South. (Screw NW Ohio.)
  11. I had to slap my forehead watching that fat lady stuck in a hole. This really only has to do with being overweight in two of the instances, though.
  12. Welcome, Kim. You've had a nice collection. Enjoy your stay.
  13. lol You know, funny thing is, last night around 2am give or take an hour, there was a show on about the 20 worst drivers or some shit and they had that guy on at #15 or something. That clip is infamous in the supra community, especially the MKIII community due to the couple driving an N/A MKIII Supra. :woowoo:, bitches!
  14. It's nothing personal. Just "ball-bustin".
  15. It's not the size of the boat that matter, but the motion of the ocean. Seriously. That's my concern. The size of the boat is relevant in light of the fact that they should've known about a bad storm brewing. Just because it looks sunny when you launch, doesn't mean that there's not a whole different thing going on off-shore.
  16. You can probably find most of the ones I had by looking up audio illusions or auditory illusions. I think Wiki even has links to quite a few in their article. Here's one I grabbed real quick with a couple interesting ones. If I have time, I'll try to find the one I used to have, later. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13355-music-special-five-great-auditory-illusions-.html
  17. Because we live in a time where people always feel the need to take things "one step further". We live in the land of "toppers". Anyway, poor kitty.
  18. Holy shit, that's crazy. Here's practice for whoever decides to take on the job. Amatuer Surgeon (It's actually a fun game.) http://www.adultswim.com/games/game/index.html?game=surgeon
  19. Supposed to be going to this later in the day Friday with a couple buddies from Dayton. I've never been before.
  20. That's actually the 'clean' version. In the other one, the cat hangs himself and the scene with Kikkoman and the blonde is much more revealing.
  21. NWS for language. Today's PSA. lol I can't believe how much this little video is creating a stir. People will get upset at anything. This is the 'dirty' version of the vid aired on BET. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1767003
  22. Well, they've given up on the others. Seems the weather eventually separated them all from the boat but the one guy. I think he ate them.
  23. Look just as good/bad as they do on any car, including the vette. Was never a big fan of those rims, at all. However, look who's talking. Course, I don't like mine, either.
  24. Especially, if it gets in your peehole. So, Alex. Let me get this straight. Since you're not. You love smoking the choad till you puke?
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