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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. All the comments are great in here. Okay, here goes. I actually don't think it looks half bad and I gotta give him props for imagination. With a proper clear coating on them (so the material doesn't move or degrade) the pantyhose would appear integrated and give a nice matte type finish. Could be interesting. I think if I stretch some enough over my hood with my dark grey coming through the squares it may look like carbon fiber.
  2. You've probably seen it, but I don't give a damn. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/AppleFire.jpg
  3. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/FatManMini.jpg Disclaimer: I have no idea how big or small Adam is. I think the car is just really small.
  4. ImUrOBGYN


    Hey. I was actually thinking the other day I hadn't seen you on here in a long time. I'll tell myself it was because of my written interest in camping above that drew you back. Speaking of which... It looks like we've still got some time due to this craptastic weather. I don't have any ideas for the future, but I am going to bump this thread and keep it fresh as I'm already looking forward to it.
  5. Jizz lover was definitely the first one to come to mind. Jazz didn't even cross my mind till further down.
  6. Ah for fuck's sake. Even I knowyou've heard this. lol (Though, it's been quite some time.) And your last sentence made about as much sense as a sand umbrella.
  7. I always hear people putting it in different places. I would love to run some through the gf's Cougar, but I'm just not sure where to do it.
  8. Don't believe the hype. It's been proven that foil hats actually increase radio waves like an antenna. I know is sure worked for our old tv growing up. Also, for many of these reports, things such as thunder and flying jets have been ruled out through various means.
  9. Sonofabitch. Paste and copy the ad when you post a craigslist idiot so us later arrivals get to see it.
  10. lol That's pretty funny. Not to thread steal, but this made me think of a commercial, as well. I'd post it elsewhere, but it's not funny enough on its own. For some reason the guy in this hotel.com commercial cracks me up. Especially, when it pans back to show most of the room. I don't know, it just does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6onQLgC1Ck
  11. So, in celebration of this new found evidence (whichever "side" your on) I wanted everyone's opinion on some new rims for the Supra. I think they'll appeal to both types of "manly men". http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/wheels.jpg Throw on some Truck Nuts and I'm good to go.
  12. Since the last thread concerning this, sonic boom reports have continued along with an increase of ufo reports, not only in the US, but around the world. California had some of the most recent ones heading north along the coast. Many of these aren't your 'normal' ufo sightings. But multitudes around the world are even seeing next to the same things and up close! Is this in relation at all to the huge release of UFO related documents from governments around the world? Who knows. I just love speculating on crazy shit like this. This is a more recent account from Pennsylvania, where UFO reports have grown from June through December of 2008 from 45 to 225. Many were similar low flying triangular objects. This is very similar to the sightings that occurred last June and July over Doylestown. This does not include the reports since the beginning of 2009 where reports have remained steady or even increased further. Pennsylvania has experienced an incredible increase in activity. I'm not saying the booms and the ufo activity are related, but I do believe it's quite the coincidence. Why Pennsylvania? Why not? You've got the Applachians there with thousand of acres of unpopulated and hard to reach areas. Areas that haven't seen a man in generations. Below is some reading on a couple incidences. No time or I'd post links to many, many more examples/accounts in the last couple months. Take from it what you will. http://www.examiner.com/x-2363-UFO-Examiner~y2009m3d5-Second-PA-low-flying-UFO-reported
  13. ''Torture'' Phalluses Give Beetles Breeding Boost (Go ahead. Click it. You know you wanna see a magnified closeup.) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/02/photogalleries/spiky-beetle-genitals/photo3.html
  14. Robot Programmed to Love Goes too Far (Nobody expected the robot revolution to begin like this. I believe hippies broke in and reprogrammed it with "TH-C+" programming.) http://www.muckflash.com/?p=200
  15. He had to smell his own shit the whole time. lol My male dog likes to shit on top of things. Large rocks, stumps, etc. He'll even back his ass up against something and literally shit on a tree. I remember these ornamental boulders that lined this entrance way into my neighborhood. There was a larger than the rest/more noticable boulder at the corner that he decided to shit right on top of one night. It sat there until the day I moved almost a year later. Everytime I or someone I knew drove by it, we just laughed at the absurdity and the "stay-to-it-iveness" of it.
  16. I'll try to remember to get some info/links together for another subject tomorrow morning.
  17. Or if you're Rob, you simply deflate her and put her back in the closet.
  18. "How do you like that side boob?... How about THIS side boob?" http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h140/Smiley0000/sideboob.png Yeah? Well you shouldnt. Cuz that's MY side boob".
  19. I have a fire jacket but I'm not sure if it's fireproof. You're more than welcome to use it. I suggest testing it far away from Thorne as I believe he may be German.
  20. Yes and they do consider this to be a possibility. However, some skulls have FAR more capacity than a normal skull stretched should. This indicates a much larger brain than even those of modern day humans. ---- If people here are actually interested in weird shit like this, I'll start posting more things like this. Everything from interesting, debunked shit to "how in the hell can you expalin that?!" kinda shit.
  21. Peta won't stand for that. It gets entirely too hot under the hood for that dog. And you're not fooling anyone with your "green" approach. The returns on your choice for a fueless boost in power have to easily be outweighed by the amount of food it uses and gas emissions expelled. Not to mention, most forget to change their poop bags causing slick spots for the drivers behind them. And just what do you think is gonna happen the first time you're following a Cougar? Think, man, think.
  22. The yellow one wants to hump your leg. And I thought they were cats/lions or some shit. :?
  23. Yeah! Get him! rabble rabble rabble http://www.theonion.com/content/files/images/mob_article_large.article_large.jpg All kidding aside, good luck with getting this taken care of nice and smoothly from here. This situations always suck.
  24. I'm the one trying to parallel park. It's a great ride, but a little big. http://aspectratio.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/jurassic-park-1.png
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