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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I feel myself drifting in and out. They need some kind of night club/thing to do where they don't mind you bringing a dog. I'm home alone and so damn bored I... there's just really not a description for it. Ah man, I need something to do. It's too bad it's too damn cold for anyone to meet outside and that the only friend who wants to come over lives in another state. lol Feel free to flame for "friendlessness". Wait.
  2. Nice ride. I think it's the angle of the pic making the wheels look smaller in the back though, it does appear the tires on the front are of a different make than those on the back. The front's look like some yoko 420s or something.
  3. Just read today that the police may charge walmart shoppers. I'm sure they have plenty of walmart security camera footage.
  4. lol What the fuck was she thinking? Good thing she's chunky enough to cushion her fall.
  5. ^I completely agree. You guys see this one? Riverside County sheriff's investigators have recovered two handguns "in close proximity of the deceased" men, according to a sheriff's spokesman. The two men were killed in what might have been a clash between rival groups late this morning inside a crowded Toys R Us in Palm Desert, officials say. Police say the area is safe and they are letting shoppers leave the scene at 72-314 Highway 111 after an hours-long lockdown. The rest of the story and video at link below. http://www.mydesert.com/article/20081128/NEWS10/81128021/1026/news12
  6. I'd go but I'd have to lug my Titan's gf, my fem Pit, around with me. I need a cane and one of those helper dog harnesses to get into Ruby's.
  7. Fuck you, Christian. Quit playing devil's advocate or ban! Seriously, this comment was only to bust Mike's chops. My first one. Not my second one... not this one, either. Obviously.
  8. I've wanted to be Jacques Cousteau (sp?) since I was a child. lol I figured I'd probably never get to see lifeforms evolved on another planet before I died, but what could possiblly exist in the depths of the ocean on the other hand... Yes. Only a couple minutes from my house. I like to make the drive up Klondike to River Rd for the cruise, fishing or to take my dog to the spillway. You live around there? Oh, nm, I see you live in Delaware. I'd say come on by today or this weekend but you have negative rep and it frightens me. Nah, kidding, shoot me a pm if you'd like. lol Fuckin Scott. That's what I like about you. You may be a damn redneck, but at least you're honest about yourself and I always know what to expect from you. lol
  9. Because those are the ones Scotty keeps posting. lol Have you been to TorqueTV's Streetfire account?
  10. ImUrOBGYN


    I know what your mamma drives. A hard bargain! *zing! Tree-fitty for a 2 dolla ho! That's just ridiculous. Disclaimer: This inane joke is directed at nobody in particular. It popped into my head and had to be let out.
  11. They have a bunch of these vs. vids on Streetfire under the account TorqueTV, I believe. I sat one night and watched them all to current.
  12. +1 I made a homemade pumpkin mousse pie and apple-butter pumpkin pie, grilled porter house steaks and giant turkey legs on the bbq grill while she sauteed mushrooms, made some stuffing, baked potatos, mac and cheese, and some green bean casserole I chose to "forget" to get. Chilled at home and kept ourselves amused all day. Only real fail of the day was my gf getting a call and finding out her mom's uncle will probably not make it thru the weekend.
  13. You let some inanimate instructions tell you what to do?! I have a 42' just to keep strapped to my face while I walk through the house!
  14. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/political-pictures-virgins.jpg I don't know what's wrong with him. My problem has always been saying, "No." Seriously, have you just asked him what his exact reasons may be? Once you find out, it's as simple as deciding if you're interested enough in a serious realtionship with this man to respect his wishes. Unless, there's a physcial reason he can't or won't have sex. If that's the case, see you on Jerry.
  15. Really? You're gonna spring for the 60", but the extra 5" is just too much? :bs: Look, just get it, spit on it and put it in.
  16. You're pretty close to a best-case scenario here. He should go look around the pawn shops for his stereo. He won't get it back, otherwise. At least it'll be cheaper than a new one unless he can prove it's his. If he finds it, of course. Then, there's always the other places, ie; Craigslist, Ebay and shit.
  17. From, by far, one of my favorite classes, the Cephalopods. This is the Magnapinna squid. Majority of actual squid info is on the 2nd page. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/11/081124-giant-squid-magnapinna.html?source=rss A bit more info from Wiki for those interested. There's more informative sources, but I'm too lazy to grab them right now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnapinna Anyone else keep seeing the word Mangina when you glance at it's name?
  18. This is where it will begin... Click for the beginning of the end.
  19. Is the Camaro racing the Mercedes the same one racing the Del Sol? I'm assuming no.
  20. Well, if it had been real, he would've been the man to do it.
  21. May be interested in the tent. I'll pop back in here tonight and edit this post to let you know, for sure. Hmm, guess I could've just done that, anyway.
  22. I've always actually liked the song he's singing.
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