America was not originally rooted in Christianity. Or, however I need to word it. If anything, we're getting back to our roots of religious freedom and the right to choose. And no, Christians may not be jihading people, but that doesn't mean they don't abuse, repress, sway, lie, control, blackmail, and subjucate. Not just in the US, but the rest of the world. Either you need to do more unbiased research or you've made yourself so blind it doesn't matter.
This is the catch, you can't have religion without having what we'll call "fanatics". And these people fuck it up for everyone. Let's be honest, if all these religious people would actually follow their fuckin "faith", we'd all get along much better. Don't lie to yourself, Scotty. It's the easy way out and Christianity is no better than any other religion. YOu have a very biased view of other religions, especially Muslim. I've know a few Muslims here in America and others I've meant through the internet in various ways. Strangely, none of them were violent or disrepspectful. However, I've meant plenty of people who claimed Christianity and were some of the most intolerant, bigoted, violent people I know. That still doesn't mean I think all Christians are that way. This is the approach you need to take with others. People are individuals. They should be treated as such. And just because one person misjudges you, doesn't mean it's ok for you to do the same. Be the stronger, bigger man. Besides, doesn't the bible teach acceptance, understanding and doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you?