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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. http://www.audio-depot.com/images/680hphf.jpg
  2. Honestly, thank goodness. Sometimes, I'm genuinely concerned with my lack of emotion about things considered fucked up.
  3. Just downloaded it. Off to watch. I'm a little worried I'll be mostly unaffected. Due to some things experienced and seen growing up, I've grown a little "thick", so to speak. I'm almost excited (for lack of a less disgusting way of saying it) to see this vid. Honestly, just to see if it illicit's some kinds of emotion. I mean, if all of you are this affected, there's a good chance I'll be, I guess. Ok, off to watch. (Scanning the file for badness...) This better not be an incredibly elaborate rick roll... Ok, that was pretty fucked up. I kind of anticipated what they would do. Really, it wasn't so much the violence that bothered me. Wondering what this victim was thinking was more affecting. The victim wondering what else would happen and why, wondering if he'd live and eventually, wishing he would die. The hammer at the end was the most merciful thing to happen to him at that point. And now, I'm over it. It's sad but, I don't know. Guess I've gotten too good at shutting things out. Might be why I have so many relationship problems. Not emotional enough. Been accused of it before. At least, I know if it were my daughter or my dog I'd be affected.
  4. Ok, downloaded murder vid. Let's go have a look... Well, just saw it contained in it's own thread, so guess I'll post there.
  5. lol That was pretty funny. I was watching the end and I jizzed in my pants.
  6. It's really going to depend quite a bit on the sex and age of the animal you are eating. Younger generally means more tender and a male usually = less tasty. I won't get into why, I'm too lazy. On a slightly lesser scale, obviously, the cuts of meat make a difference, as well.
  7. Not to mention the quality of much of their stock, especially food, has diminished. It seems to be a bit worse up here than down south, though.
  8. It's fake. They're driving down a bumpy dirt road.
  9. Well, let's see. BRB. Nevermind. I was going to look up my original post but it doesn't go back that far. I think mine would've passed, actually.
  10. Think of your cable box like Windows. It's actually good for you to occasionally reset it. Most have a soft reset, as well. I generally just unplug my box (hard reset) for about 30seconds and then just plug it back in whenever I start to get little weird anamolies, ie; freezing, slow working, etc.
  11. It is catchy. I had to watch it a couple times yesterday. Once because someone posted it in another thread (but not it's own ) and then another time for the gf. Oh, and then once for my neighbor when he was over. I'd just start playing it, and they're like, "what the fuck are you listening to." You gotta cook by the book, bitch! That's what!
  12. Wow. I didn't realize granite was takin' all our jobs! Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  13. ImUrOBGYN


    Well, if you're being honest, I give you props for swallowing your pride and apologizing to the forum. However, not everyone will be so accepting.
  14. That totally sounds like an old friend of mine, Jeff. For example, nutting in a woman's shoe. A hilarious story, but too long to tell right now.
  15. Why don't you meet us at (Enter place of business here) and say that to (Enter name here) face?! lol
  16. http://files.sharenator.com/GuidoOompa-s600x450-2292-580.jpg
  17. How long did you wait before you could use that smiley?
  18. If I can prove PETA scares my animals, will they have to disband themselves?
  19. Whoa. Ride gotta little bumpy there. Back to it.
  20. lol omg Brian's shit stories, ftw.
  21. Ah, man... Just figured it'd get stuck up there. What a twist! Ok, I think I'm ready to finish watching. I had to break for the comment. Done. Man... just... man.
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