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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. My fav positions. I always played outside linebacker in school. I wish I had time on the weekends. I'd really love to come out for this. Edit: Well, I just cried like a little girl and said, "Ahhh, people are playing football this weekend... " She said, [pause], "You can go if you want." Do I fall for this come Sunday? I'm fairly certain this is either a trap or an opportunity to add to the "relationship bank". And we all know how well banks are currently doing. I'll be repaying it big-time later.
  2. Seen these. The cat one always cracks me up.
  3. I'd have to say that's probably pretty close. lol
  4. lol You make it too easy. Where should I start? 1. Miss the point much? 2. Yes, I always read the entire article. I try to go into any discussion half full of facts and half full of shit. 3. Where, at any point, did I say it mattered what her religious beliefs are to me? I have friends with many points of view. They are my friends because of my kindness and accepting nature. I'm especially waiting for the answer to this, as I believe I know what you may've been actually going for here. Trust in the fact if I am correct, I have your retort already. 4. I do accept others and their beliefs. That doesn't mean I have to agree with them. Again, are saying I don't accept her beliefs because I think she may be a bit wrong on the whole idea of modern man having shared this Earth with dinosaurs? lol I'm really not sure what I'd rather have your answer be on this one. 5. Still trying to figure out why you felt the need to attack me and accuse me of being a religious bigot. I'll explain some of the humor I found in this, as well. I'm sure I could as many of the people on here that are familiar with you, how accepting they thing you are of other religions. As a matter of fact, I could quote you on things that show you aren't even tolerant of those who supposedly share, not only religion, but even your particular "branch" (for lack of a better word), of religion. Don't preach to me about the fires you burn in. Like that choice of words for that analogy? Came to me without even thinking of it. Strange. Huh. 6. This is just the reward cookie for turning what I thought was simple and slightly humorous thing to me into something epic and needless. Congratulations.
  5. ImUrOBGYN

    How to text?

    Sprint here, haven't had a problem. Don't think I ever did with my TMobile phone, either. Usually an instant repsonse, too.
  6. Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks." lol Someone's getting the poem Footprints and this shit mixed up or something. I guess she noticed that during the most trying times of her life, it was then that TRex carried her. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-palinreligion28-2008sep28,0,3643718.story?track=rss
  7. I think that was the 'second coming'. Seriously, though, thanks for the fuckin nightmares, now.
  8. Welcome. I apologize for my mucking up this thread with my importedness.
  9. No way! You guys are sick! Sorry, gf was watching. I'll get the mat out.
  10. Eww... No. What's wrong with you? lol Yes, I've seen it.
  11. Not so much off of our shores, but they're still very active and I'm sure always will be. It's just too bad there aren't probably anymore peg leg sporting, parrot toting, sword fighting pirates.
  12. Welcome. I used to know a Gabe when I lived in California. Orange County was where I knew him from. I'm sure you're him.
  13. lol I live for challenge and competition. It doesn't matter what it's over. I'm just making a joke about my fitness level. C'mon. You can start by wrestling me. 6'2" 300lbs. I have plenty of oil and tiny shorts here. Maybe we can play some nintendo and have a beer afterward.
  14. That means we're too nice to people. Which is weird since I don't like people. They taste funny and are generally fattening.
  15. Hell, I'd be all over this but I need to finish getting back in better shape first. Too competitive to be getting my ass whooped every time because I have to stop for a cigarette. lol
  16. Or a "life-partner". Seriously, I can't figure it out, either. Welcome, otherwise.
  17. You know what to do with it. http://www.freddysays.com/images/poop_scoop_bags/poobag1_2.jpg
  18. That's the kinda attitude that'll get your ass kicked by a good wrestler. No, I'm not a wrestler, I just like all competition.
  19. The Political Compass I'm around Ghandi, Mandela, and the Dalai Lama. lol Economic Left/Right: -5.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.67 http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-5.38&soc=-4.67
  20. I agree the bitch is crazy, but I'm still having a hard time seeing what it is about her exactly that makes you so sure about your assumptions?
  21. That looks like a blast. Does anyone know of a good place to rent a canoe or kayak for at least two people for the day? Something not too crazy expensive with some good scenery. I don't want to be playing bumper boats with people, either. Something that'll be kinda private, too, I guess.
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