Send me said pics of crate, plz. I may have to pick one up for my girlfr... uhh, I mean Theia.
Oh, and sorry for muckin up your FS thread.
Free bumpola.
How hard (and how much) would it be to source the getrag 5speed that later come with the car? Are the carbs the only issue? Are they the Stromberg side drafts? I had to deal with tuning those all the time when I had my TR7. It's been years, however.
Try mashed banana and mayonnaise. Only a bit of mayonnaise to taste. Then, put it between two pieces of bread. Crazy snot sandwich. I know it sounds disgusting. Everyone on my mother's side eats them. I had one friend who was brave enough to try one and he eats them, too, now. lol
Bout to walk outside and go all "GTA" on this place.
My betta has a taste for human blood, now. I had a quite sizable mosquito (haven't seen one this big in a long time) that was engorged with my blood. Couldn't believe how much of it it had. Well, in the betta tank it went. Took her awhile due to it's size and the betta's full grown to give you an idea on the size of the squito. It's dinner now. Betta's just staring at me, now. Like Stan's evil fish on South Park.
From flickr, via...THE DEVIL. Either that, or it's from a Google cafeteria in New York. Apparently they serve Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburgers, a.k.a Luther Burgers.
Went outside and lit off a few fireworks for the neighbors. Bored again.
Well, still can't figure out the exact problem plaguing my car. It's such a nice night. I'm falling into a boredom coma stuck here. Even the dogs look bored. Anyone else bored around Delaware? Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.
Need to borrow an AFM for a MKIII (89-92) Turbo Supra. A working one, of course. It would only take a few mintues. The electronics and/or the actual AFM. Thanks all.
Same problem here... Titan doesn't need to be crated (and you can't) but Theia's cage already looks like someone set off a small bomb in it. It's crap, now.
lol! Whoa. I wonder what the people in the car driving towards him thought. On a sidenote, I felt I was watching a grainy GTA IV vid of me, once again, holding a grenade just a hairrrrr too long.
lol I was just watching that particular show a couple nights ago. Of course, they've been playing them nonstop on... I believe it was the HBO's.