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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Cousin was bitten by his parent's dachsund(sp?). He had to have stitches and reconstructive surgery on his hand. He has permanent nerve damage. Again, a "pit bull" mix is mentioned. What is that? And the dog was only protecting his family. They're responsibility to properly handle their dog. These are the real problems. Not the dogs. The breed of the dog has nothing to do with being able to take it camping. I have pictures here of Titan at a CR barbecue being "manhandled", so to speak, by someone's little 1 or 2yr old girl. (Sorry, can't remember who's she was ). Of course, nobody is denying the power of bully breeds. But, really, there are plenty of bigger, more people aggressive breeds. The attacks by "pitbulls" is so skewed due to improper indentification. Plus, enforcing insurance laws will not help anymore than it does, now. Like this other law (that won't or already hasn't passed), the people who raise their dogs to be dicks, won't give two shits either way. Just another case of a bad few fucking it up for everyone. Next CR BBQ I'm bringing Titan and we're gonna run through you all like wolves among lambs!
  2. The thought someone would actually try to pass something like that disturbs me. I would love to give that guy a piece of mind. People like that worry me. I mean, with that kind of thinking; fuck. Douchebaggery.
  3. Heard something about the vid being released on Friday. Also, I heard that it would'nt be released until this documentary is released on tv. The vid will be included, I guess. So, in conclusion... I don't fuckin know.
  4. hahah. Ok, it looks like SITE (a FOR-profit company) contacted them and had them take it down, disagreeing with them on scemantics. They admitted they did not know it was from a video game but that it was from an Islamic forum that was passworded. So, I look around some more info: Fox here behind as usual... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,360661,00.html And this bullshit here. Continuing to mislead with misinformation and an obvious lack of any investigative journalism. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1022840/Pictured-Al-Qaedas-terrifying-vision-devastated-America-wake-nuclear-attack.html
  5. Sonsabitches took it down. I'll see if I can find somewhere else.
  6. Ditto. Interesting show. I'm running away to one of these tribes. I'll deal with the native titties if I have to.
  7. Wasn't expecting that.
  8. "The SITE Intelligence Group said that the image, showing a ruined Capitol Building in Washington, was created by extremists as part of discussions about the feasibility of nuclear strikes against the US and Britain..." "However, it has transpired that far from being a detailed simulation created by terrorist masterminds, the apocalyptic vision is in fact lifted from the computer game Fallout 3, by US game designers Bethesda Softworks..." Edit: Below link may not work. More info a couple posts down. Full article and pic here.
  9. This has the making of one awesome fucking pool. I can think of so much cool shit to do to it. Not that it's not cool enough already. http://fun-hunter.com/index.php/Interesting/World-s-Deepest-Swimming-Pool.html
  10. All the information your kids ever need to know, in one creepy little package... Raising kids is quite a challenge these days. But thanks to some good, wholesome, nostalgic insight, those "hard to explain" subjects are now a piece of cake! So plop your kid down and take that ostrich hunting trip you always wanted. Let the cartoons do the work! I present to you all 4 guides. Children's Guide To Religion Children's Guide to Sex Children's Guide To A Good Wife Children’s Guide to Censorship
  11. http://www.survival-international.org/ (Scroll to bottom for pics, they may take a moment to load.) Or, if website won't load, try the next link, but it's obviously not the original nor will it have all 3 photographs or the ability to enlarge them. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24880941/?GT1=43001
  12. Finally. lol Never had one installed, so I really don't know if that'd work, but I've thought the same thing.
  13. Eh, I'll be downloading it either way.
  14. "I want to believe." http://msn.mess.be/data/thumbnails/41/smile-2.jpg
  15. Neat idea. Only watched a couple, but will check it out later.
  16. If you believe the reports slowly being released by the government through the freedom of information act, we are not alone. It's supposed to be a slow leak (long story short) to allow the public to slowly come to grips with it. This is done through classified info release, programs, etc. How much will they release, how much is real; who the hell knows. But I feel, with the whole universe out there, there's just no way we're alone. As for this article, I'll wait to at least see the vid.
  17. Pine trees fault. Ban Pine trees.
  18. "No, Officer. No way that was me speeding. You see, someone stole my motor."
  19. Ha! Gonna drop a poison toad in your mouth while you sleep.
  20. This hits very close to home; from both sides. Thanks for depressing me for the rest of the day.
  21. lol Awesome. When it first started to bubble, something like what happened was what came to mind. I thought, "It's alive!", it then it was. Also, that sig is hilarious. Where's my old cell phone....
  22. Too lazy to work!! WTH are you talking about?! You don't think going through all that shit was work? Oh, and next time, try springing for a flatscreen monitor. This wasn't even worth my time. I'll be lucky to make $20... Seriously, though, where do you work that someone would think it was worth breaking into? Or do you think it was just crackhead antics?
  23. Oops. I wouldn't pour anything of that nature anywhere in my car.
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