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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Ok, I found some actual pics. One of the times my hair was long. It grows like a weed and it took a suprisingly short amount of time for that. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/LongHair.jpg Bored. Really bored at an ex-gf's house. I had just cut the majority of my hair off about week before. Ghetto Super Rican. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/CrazyMe.jpg Only relatively recent one. Still, it's about 2yrs old. Lost a bit of weight and the goats different. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Me.jpg
  2. Guess I'll actually post some of myself. I really don't ever take pics, but here's one, anyway. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/oldfishcopy.jpg
  3. That's hilarious. I recently tried growing a full beard, as well. Didn't have the patience and/or ability to pull it off, so I shaved it on Sat or Sunday. Damn latin blood. At least it still grows on my head like a weed.
  4. All I get is a static image of an undead. Am I missing something? I don't believe it's loading right for me.
  5. You'd hope and think that this wasn't possible. But sadly, I too, have experienced this travesty.
  6. lol I've been running windows firewall and AVG Free for I don't even know how many years, now. I don't remember the last time I had anything on my comp that needs to be worried about. I am super anal retentive about my comp and would know. Of course, this goes with saying that I know where to go and where not to go when it comes to websites and links. It doesn't matter if you wear a bullet proof vest, if you walk in front of a train. I also use a combination of Ad-Aware, and HijackThis (more for advanced users though there is a huge help support and this website, http://www.hijackthis.de/ which will help you, though I still suggest getting real help in your case.) That in combination with your normal cleanmgr.exe, defrags, registry optimization is how my computer stays top notch. I believe I'm actually forgetting some things.
  7. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/Titan/IMG_1038.jpg Here are my 3 dogs in my fence. Each side is shared with a neighbor. Each neighbor has multiple children plus the children that come to play. The back fence shares a yard with an apt complex. At least 3 apt back doors open into a small yard shared with my back fence. Everyday, people come to my fence when they see the dogs out, to either admire them, a couple of them that know me and the dogs pet them, including my neighbors, and sometimes I get the assholes who like to tease them and piss them off. (btw, having owned many various breeds of all sizes and temperment, I find people are FAR more likely to tease your dog if it's a bully breed. I wonder how many attacks are a result of that? Also, I would like to add that my dog has never started a fight with another dog and on quite a few occasions, I've had people purposely let their dog go out the fence or off the leash "accidentally" to attack my dog. I'd share a few stories, but it's too much typing.) That results in a very quick reprimand from me. And I don't care who you are. Come kill or take my dogs?! I don't fuckin think so. Some of you need to open your minds and and quit making these ignorant, biased, and bigoted statements. Dave, the only dogs I've ever received bites from have been from a mix breed. Maybe we should kill all your mix breeds you've owned. What do you own, now? Btw, that's a rhetorical question. I really could care less what you own, which is exactly my point. As long as you're a responsible owner who has raised his pets right. Oh, and impound and crush your Mustang since I'm afraid of that. Do you know how many Mustangs have been involved in an accident? Who even knows when it could just break, ie, steering wheel falls off, brakes go out. I mean it's an American car so it must be junk and ready to side impact my ass. lol
  8. Double dildo. I mean ditto. Ditto, dammit!
  9. I know what bike you're talking about. I'll keep an eye an out. Sounds like a good excuse to kick the shit outta someone.
  10. lol I was just schooling Thorne and his wife on these Friday night when we found one running around near the ceiling. This is the common House Centipede. Not originally a North American species. However, it is very common up here. They're harmless to humans and voracious eaters of all insects you'll find in the garage/basement/house. If they don't bother you, just let them be. Just wanted to add that though I say "harmless" as with anything that carries venom, some people may react adversely. Either way, don't pet them.
  11. I'm mostly interested in the section I've bolded. Wouldn't it be god's "plan" if someone on here hit/injured/killed someone in your family? Therefore, reacting in such a way goes against god's plan. Enjoy your time in Catholic hell. Btw, I haven't even touched on the part where you're supposed to forgive, etc. Now, I'm fairly certain you do have cooties. And it is spelled "cooties". I know, I used to have the game when I was a kid. Please, don't touch me it's been about 25-30yrs since my last cooties shot. Seems I'll have to give myself one, now.
  12. Good luck, man. They're alot of responsibility. Hopefully, someone comes and helps you out. I'd love another cat, but the dogs hate them.
  13. Hah! You know, when Norm and I were at your house on Friday, Thorne, I hadn't even read this thread yet. Do your recall I brought up lasers and wanting to mount one in my grill to burn holes into people's bumpers who drive under the speed limit and hold up traffic?
  14. Guys, it's only a BPU Supra. He should've been walked by both Anthony and Linn. I know, "suprise", I'm defending a Supra.
  15. They're too young to not have a mother. They should really be bottle fed. I'm tempted to leave it at that, but if for some reason, you aren't able to do this as often as needed, buy a decent bag of kitten food - be sure the first ingredient is meat (this is a problem more often with dog foods, however), moisten it well. I would go as far as moistening the food with a little Pedialyte, especially if they're poop's a bit runny. There's also a vitamin paste you can give them. I cannot remember the name of it offhand, but there is a brand that is sold over the counter. Speaking of poo, are they having bowel movements fine? They should by now, but if not... wait for it ... get a warm wash cloth and stroke they're genitals and butt. lol No, seriously. I promise I won't be in the bushes waiting with a camera. Very young kittens are stimulated into urinating and defacating by their mother's tongues. (Anyone letting their kitties lick them as they read this? ) At this age, if they aren't properly nutrioned, it will stunt their growth, their chances of becoming sick greatly increase, and their little lifespans shorten.
  16. I wonder... Were you cupping his balls while you typed this? Pat - I believe, in this particular instance, you may've been misunderstood. However, due to other's past experience with you on this forum, they may be prone to jump the gun a bit. I'm sure you understand.
  17. I mean, hell, if you're gonna go to that trouble, grow, buy, or hunt for shrooms. You can still make a tasty drink if you'd like.
  18. Following attempt: ImUrOBGYN reaction time: 0,290 s 1/4 mile: 9,412 s First place on track 1. Think I'll go take a victory lap to the fridge and wait to be knocked off the podium list.
  19. We're gonna need proof of that, sir. :bs:
  20. ImUrOBGYN reaction time: 0,386 s 1/4 mile: 9,495 s 3rd try, take that, bitches. Im holding 3rd place on the Track 1. I believe my tire temps were only 21o C! I also redlighted once, too.
  21. Dunno if I'll be making it out tonight. Car needs another going over and some serious tuning that I'm currently too lazy to go outside and do.
  22. Who's coming to vacuum my floor? It's filthy due to all the sand pouring from your vaginas. I truly care about each and everyone one of you here. Please, for the love of titties, get some help. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k96/acolson1983/codes/Vaginasand.jpg
  23. After reading this thread, I'd like to share with you my current, innermost thoughts... Titties. Thanks for reading.
  24. Here ya go. Figured this could explain it better than I. Link: http://www.iihs.org/ratings/frontal_test_info.html Excerpt: "Full-width and offset tests complement each other. Crashing the full width of a vehicle into a rigid barrier maximizes energy absorption so that the integrity of the occupant compartment, or safety cage, can be maintained well in all but very high-speed crashes. Full-width rigid-barrier tests produce high occupant compartment decelerations, so they're especially demanding of restraint systems. In offset tests, only one side of a vehicle's front end, not the full width, hits the barrier so that a smaller area of the structure must manage the crash energy. This means the front end on the struck side crushes more than in a full-width test, and intrusion into the occupant compartment is more likely. The bottom line is that full-width tests are especially demanding of restraints but less demanding of structure, while the reverse is true in offsets."
  25. Very nice. I'd give +pts, but it seems I have to spread my rep pts around a bit more first.
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