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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. No kidding. That's awesome. I used to have a dog that looked exactly like a dingo. I know, I know. Not anywhere as close to cool as a kangaroo. lol
  2. It's perfect, Bri Bri . Flaming. Just like you. http://citizenchris.typepad.com/citizenchris/images/shirleyqliquor.jpg
  3. Congratulations! You win a "probing". Remember what they did to his backyard?
  4. When you started the story, I thought it'd go like it did with my exstep-dad. We lived in Texas at the time and the imported fire ants are bad out there. Well, one night while watching a movie (in the dark), he grabbed the box and just started putting them away. One whole cookie to a bite. He got through quite a few before being stung and realizing the whole box was crawling with ants.
  5. Doesn't count if you're married to her. Those rims are definitely you. Embrace your heritage! I plan on getting a bobble head Mother Mary and some crushed velvet for the Supra!
  6. ImUrOBGYN


    Do you know this guy or something? On with the post... My neighbor across the street just bought an 85 or 86. So far he's done full exhaust, intake, blow off, and boost controller. No idea how it runs, however.
  7. I'd be tempted to start digging it all up. Someone's after something important enough for them to go through the trouble of the physical labor, working at night, and the possibility of physical and legal danger. If you don't want to dig it up, I'd wait for them. The reason I'd wait is to have them do the work for me. Once I saw what it is they were after, I would decide my next move. Plz keep us posted. Careful, it may be aliens. These are diggers, not crop circle makers. Or wait! Could be the worms from Tremors! Or mutant prairie dogs! The dead rising!!!!! OMGFUCKAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :zoom:
  8. :chill: I would rather avoid them, as well, and I no longer drink at all.
  9. That sucks. I'm sure you've let them knew they've lost business.
  10. lol @ rednecks getting their culture on.
  11. Fine. They love Toyotas over there, anyway.
  12. After having my daughter, I sold the few firearms I owned. However, I still believe in this.
  13. Even if you don't play Warcraft, you'll think it's funny. Hell, even my gf thought it was. Click
  14. For those on the go. http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/154220_finger_gun_1_vw.jpg Something a little bigger. http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/153728_seadriftgrill_1_vw.jpg
  15. Used to love that song. Just heard it the other day on XM, too. I remember being upset thinking they harmed all those goldfish in the video. Not "PETA, I don't eat meat, throw paint on your fur" upset, just... ya know, poor fishy. lol
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    Bored and after watching one of those "help another country commercials", I decided to help out and send a little something for that "up and coming" pimp of the village. http://m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/153382_a_fone_1_vw.jpg Hey, I'm broke, too.
  17. ImUrOBGYN

    interesting read

    Well, started trying to answer this question, but it was too long winded. Someone type a synopsis.
  18. ImUrOBGYN

    interesting read

    Newer technology prevails. I read a shit ton about this about a year ago. We actually sit on one of the largest shale deposits in the world, if I remember correctly. (The US)
  19. My penis has a ramp near the top.
  20. Don't you think there are enough bad stereotypes than to imply the condonement of what your sig represents? Letting a woman come to work?! What were you thinking!
  21. lol at the expense of Anthony.
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