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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. He should've jumped sooner.
  2. Ah, that's too bad. I looked around a few junkyards, a new cougar forum, contour forum, ebay, craigslist, etc. Kept finding the same shit for the same price over and over- if I found it at all. However, I did finally take it to Mike at Wheel Medic. I was a little concerned it would be cutting it close since it had been damaged pretty well. Mike said they could fix it, though. Hopefully, he took some before and after pics I'll post so you everyone can see the work they perform. (I'm assuming I'll have no complaints. ) We'll get the rim back Tue.
  3. You trying to learn to keep the sand out of your vagina?
  4. I just posted this vid a week or so ago.
  5. Doesn't matter if it's dig or roll. The only reason I would prefer roll is it seems to be less of a shock to the drivetrain letting me save the dig racing for the actual track. It's quicker to pull off and then 'get back under the radar', so to speak. Second, many races seem to take place in an area that can cause serious traffic problems if you try to go from a dig. I always hear how dangerous high speed racing is on the highway, yet people will stop on the highway to race and block traffic without realizing how much more dangerous that it. When you're drving on the highway, you're not expecting the automobiles to be stopped or near stopped in the lanes. By the time you realize it, it could be far too late and you're rear ending a stopped car. I know, I've seen this happen while runs were being setup at a place in Texas. When I do go from a run, of course I prefer to be in a sweet spot for my powerband. Often, that's a bit higher speed for the gear in my car than most, though. Many people with a stick, 40 is a good 2nd gear roll for them whereas, 50mph is probably alot closer to what's good for me. More than anything, my surroundings control what I race from/to and when I race more than anything. I have no problem refusing to race people on the street if I'm not comfortable with traffic, etc. I like to save it until I"m out in the middle of nowhere, mostly.
  6. I was only poking fun, of course. No doubt, he's a big, powerful man. But the same could be said of either fighter, only one is wrestler and one is standup. Both will be monsters with more training.
  7. ImUrOBGYN

    new guy

  8. Clitter turned my yeast infection into a jewel collection! I want to get some cuntfetti. It should be a celebration everytime!
  9. "Owned"? What fight did you see? One I saw Frank Mir had his hand held up in victory. Seriously, I get what you're saying. Point is, anyone that big can run crashing and swinging into someone and do damage. A good fighter will pull through it and win it. Mir did because though he's not the man he once was, is still a professional with alot of experience. Lesnar is not. The next 5 fights could go the same exact way for Lesnar. Big and crazy only gets you so far, you wrestling loving redneck.
  10. Aren't they all extremely short? Booya! I kid, of course.
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    Those all work better than driving a Ford Taurus with the parking brake on thorugh the snow. In my defense, it was a foot brake and the brake light didn't work, as well. "Damn, I just can't seem to gain control of it!" Rear end sliding along the edge of a dropoff and 3 of us trying to get out of there because we had disturbed the people around there trying to cardboard down a hill. lol
  12. Hmm, gonna go check this out for sure. Also, going to check these other places everyone has listed. I did go to a junkyard near my house but came up empty handed. Thought about pick and pull, but Ben, you say they don't sell rims there? Keep em coming.
  13. GF bent the hell out of her OE Cougar rim on a pothole. Is there anywhere in town that sells OE rims? Or any good online places I should check? Can't find anything on Craigslist or Ebay. Thanks.
  14. GF bent the hell out of her 2002 Mercury Cougar V6 16in. aluminum rim. So, need another one before next Thursday as she has to drive out of town. Old one holds air fine but shakes and shimmies. Let me know, thanks.
  15. Get out of my head, get out of my head!
  16. ImUrOBGYN


    Well, many newer, especially nicer, cars have traction control and/or stability control. Some even have other safety features and/or more sophisticated equipment. Also, do you run a really good all season passenger tire or dedicated winter tire on your car in the winter? One other thing you may want to consider is the HP to weight ratio on a powerful sports car. Same rules apply in snow/wet/ice/cold that apply in dry pavement; the powerful the auto, the easier to break traction. Oh, one more thing. On our cars, we tend to run a wider tire. In conditions like snow, a wider tire will actually hamper you.
  17. Thank you. I hear that same old story from every Kimbo hater. His biggest issue in that fight was stamina. As far as I know, it was supposed to be a stand up fight, as well. James Thompson will definitely be his toughest match yet as long as Kimbo doesn't connect cleanly early on.
  18. It doesn't help if you're chasing them with your pants around your ankles.
  19. Maybe you don't think of boobies enough?
  20. lol Yeah, after looking at the big pic, I must agree it looks like part of an arm and a hand holding a fishing pole that's slightly curved due to the distortion of the reflection on the lense. Knuckle boobies ftw, indeed.
  21. Then we'd all be retarded. (Not really, but close.) Look into history and see how much incest has gone on in "royal" families, etc. It simply increases the chances of a normally recessive heridetary defect, etc. rearing it's ugly head. Maybe that's why so many English/British women are supposedly so unattractive? Hell, Prince Charles or whatever his name is sure looks a little "goofy". lol And, if you're a Christian, inbreeding shouldn't come as a suprise to you, at all, as a form of propagation. Really, I don't care what you do as long as your not hurting others. However, they take way too big of a chance having children. Maybe this one's healthy now (still may develop shit later) but why bring a child into the world with an even greater chance of mental and/or physical suffering from defects immediately noticable, or defects occuring down the road, or the mental and/or physical abuse from other children/adults who know who your parents are. That is selfish.
  22. When you goin? Bring back some of my stuff from storage when you go!
  23. Not sure what you mean. I just gave the homepage link. If you want the actual pic link, right-click the "x", click properties, copy and paste url into your address bar.
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