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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. Take the ram out and every component out besides the proc and see if the board beeps codes. A HP should beep 3 times to recognize the memory is out. If not, board is bad. If it does, onboard gpu could be bad. Replace the board. A dedicated video cars could fix the problem, but i think both boards are bad.


    Doesn't even beep. I guess it is possible HP sent me a NEW "bad" board.

  2. are you even able to see the post? can u get into the bios? if so, plug your monitor into the default onboard video port. disable onboard video. plug in your pci video card/monitor and the motherboard will recognize it as a display device.


    wont even post.


    I have my my A+ certification and 3 other Microsoft certs plus my CCNA. I should be able to fix this but i'm stumped.


    Usually with another video card I should see something in the bios, but of the 4 cards i have tried i get nothing. Even onboard.

  3. I can't figure this out... Heres whats going on.


    My computer is an HP:

    Phenom x4 quad core cpu

    4gb ddr2 6400

    on board video... etc..

    and the rest is the same old.


    It stopped displaying picture one day so i put in an external video card, and nothing, then tried new ram and in different slots... nothing, also tried resetting the cmos and did a reflow on the board.. nothing. I diagnosed it as a bad mobo. I ordered a brand new one from HP and same problem. I tried different phenom processors, different ram in different slots, different computer cases, different power supplies, played with the jumpers, different video card and monitors, I even hooked it all up outside the machine and it still wont work..



    Any ideas? This is pissing me off.

  4. these things tend to result in a stripped out shell being found in someone's yard on the Hilltop, don't they? I live semi-near there I'll keep an eye out.



    My civic was found in a yard in hilltop stripped. I have some leads and some info on people who steal shit in that area. I keep a bat in the truck of my car for the day I meet these fuckers.:mad:

  5. Noleaf thats pretty solid. I like some of the body kits, if done right, on cars that instantly are called rice. I would rock a ricer mobile if I wouldnt be teased like a poor fat kid on picture day.


    This is what a clean civic should look like..




    None of that body kit bs, but lip kits instead, clean lowered, built. This was my hatch before it was stolen and found stripped behind a crack house in hilltop. fml:o

  6. Another one of these threads? lol. get a tethering application for your laptop or computer. works great for when your on your laptop and dont want to pay for internet at mcdonalds, or your ISP is being ghey and isnt providing you quality internet services. There are several out now that dont even require root access and are free of charge.



    There are endless applications in the market. The best thing to do when deciding which app to get is to go on an as needed basis. want to know where your mother is? Im sure you could find an app for it. They dont take long to download/install, so no sense in filling your phones memory up already lol.


    My phone has built in tethering, I'm actually using it right now. Its actually faster than my home internet from att.

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