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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. Just got the my touch 4g from tmobile. They matched amazon.com's price of 50 bucks so I got it. I am fairly new to android.. What are some good apps, also anything I should know? When it comes to rooting, is there a single app I can install like cydia or installous to download free marketplace apps? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. Yea, I had a ton of fun when I pledged and all of it was considered hazing.


    Fyi, if anyone is going to arena tonight, I'm going to brothers right now. if you don't know me i'm pretty tall and have blonde curly hair.


    Key is: Going to arena tonight... Saturday lol. And starting at brothers and making our way down the strip.

  3. There are*, this is the internet, don't take things so seriously. I'm a 5th year senior Mech. Engineering student (co-op program), so I didn't pay much attention in english class. Traded alot of beer to the other kids to write my papers ;-)


    Time to drink your education away!

  4. yea you're right. Since Jamie got the dogs she usually stays home with them unless we go to the zig lol


    Ollie needed a friend so she got another IG. It's a major responsibility to own those dogs let alone two. I own one myself and he is a handfull. How are they doing these days?

  5. I'm not sure yet, I bet Jamie and Caitlin will go. Caitlin is my big :). It's kind of a late b-day thing for me, and it's one of the girls b-days saturday. I think for sure Megan Lenihan, Mackenzie, Jess, Kelly, Megan Koepke, Sara and I'm sure there will be more.


    Oh shit.. Maybe I shouldn't go lol. Nah I'll be there. If I see one of them I'll come over and say hi. Jamie usually doesn't go out. And I haven't talked to Caitlin I'm months. They are both stand up girls. I'll be with a few different people, we end up bar hopping through the arena lol.

  6. Best bet is to get a job with tuition reimbursement. You'll make money and most of your courses will be paid for (as long as your major isnt interpretive dance or something).


    I have an excellent resume, with IT certifications, operations manager experience, and so on but its hard to get a job like that without a degree. For example my friend graduated from miami with a bachelors in business management and Chase hired her to do Virtual desktop implementation and she doesn't know barely anything about that sort of stuff. I could do that shit with my eyes closed. But they hired her because of her degree.

  7. if your full time you should be able to get a combo of grants and loans to pay for it. you'll have to pay the loans back eventually of course.... wherever you go should have a financial aid department they should be more than happy to help you out.


    Thank you, I'm trying to avoid loans at all cost. I hate the idea of graduating with 20k in loans.

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