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Posts posted by Exodus

  1. i got 4 phones 2 being smart phones with unlimited text on all 4 and unlimited data on the the 2 droid x and 1400 min and 10 free # for 219$ a month with Verizon .


    All the individual plans I see are way too expensive.


    And this "individual" pricing plan for data from att is bullshit. They know as smart phones become more advanced with better cameras and video calling, they will go over their 200mb or 2gb data limit in a heartbeat.. Thus overage charges.

  2. We pay about $107 after tax for 2 iPhones, 550 minutes + rollover, no text plan, and unlimited data. AT&T FTW, not sure why you are screwed on your plan.


    I'm on a family plan with my buddy where we share 2200 minutes, rollover, unlimited everything else and its about 240 a month and so we slip 120 each. It sucks.

  3. Alright, I am paying way too much with AT&T for my iPhone, about 120 a month for 1000 minutes, unlimited web and text. I use about 900 of those minutes a month and about 5gb of data on my 30$ a month unlimited plan. I am looking to switch providers and get a new smart phone and get a similar plan but for less $$. I was thinking about going to tmobile and getting their unlimited everything for 90 bucks a month and a windows mobile 7 phone or an android but I can't decide which provider or which phone I should get. Any ideas?
  4. The "me" approach to the common person. There is little to no consideration to others as a whole. Is it Mtv? Is it bad parenting? From this comes several other bad situations. Over spending. Poor planning, if any, for futures.


    Probably not what you were looking for. But it's on my mind often.


    I agree with you but, the "whole" with never care for others. Its easily done to look out for yourself than others.

  5. There have been a few guys parting out del sols on craigslist over the last few months. They never list all the parts at once and rotate their ads so you may have to contact someone to see if they in fact have addit. parts. Good luck.


    Thanks man, I actually contacted one of the guys on craigslist and drove an hour to get a windows for 35 bucks. Looks and fit perfectly.

  6. But they have to have 4.1 installed before this update and the shsh blobs saved in order to back up to 4.1 you can't do it unless those are there which it sounds like he is on 4..0.1. Been doing this a looooong time.


    Okay. Hes back on 4.1 and there doesnt seem to be any issues with cydia. But I do agree SHSH blobs are a bitch



    I'm just happy people are out there developing software like this for the iphone and putting some skin in the game, and doing it for everyone else.


    yes it will cause problems, read up on things before suggesting things, and you cant install 4.1 as apple has stopped signing it for install, so that wont work


    There is a file on the iphone that tells itunes to direct to apples site to verify the install of the 4.1 ios. You can change the ip address in that file to redirect it to suriks site and it will install. Just downgraded my buddies iphone 4 tonight from 4.2.1 to 4.1 with ease.

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